Dear President,

 Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with A last night. Sister M and I have been praying for guidance to know how to act and what will be the right decision for him now and for his future. 

This week on Monday we held FHE for investigators, new members and single members of our ward. Our ward mission leader presented a lesson, and we had quite a few people show up. It went very well. 

On Tuesday, we met with T and reviewed the baptismal questions with her. I think it helped her to really focus on why she is wanted to get baptized and how serious of a covenant baptism is. We then met with R and unfortunately, she just had not been acting and we had to hand her back over to the Lord for a little bit. We will continue to invite her to activities, but as far as lessons, she will need to show that she is going to act and follow through on commitments. After R, we met with L (new member) and read from the Book of Mormon with her. We have been continually asking her about what she is learning and reading from the Book of Mormon, because we get the feeling that she hasn't been reading lately. We are trying to stress the importance of reading daily from the Book of Mormon with her. We will check on her progress next time we meet with her. 

On Wednesday, we met with K (new member). She has a young family (but unfortunately her husband is not interested in the gospel), so we decided we would read and discuss The Family: A Proclamation to the World with her. She really enjoyed it and was actively involved in discussions on her role as a mother. After, we met with a new investigator, A, and taught her a 1st. She has many questions, but she accepted everything well. We also met with M and A (it was M's last day here). We taught M and A a 3rd and invited them to be baptized. They both were hesitant, but A continued to keep meeting with us. After, we met with T and talked about tithing, but she had to leave and so we weren't able to teach much. 

On Thursday, we continued our lesson with T and talked about the importance of tithing and the use of sacred church funds. We also talked about fasting and fast offerings. She agreed to pay tithing and donate fast offerings after she is baptized. We then met with M (new member) and read from the Book of Mormon with her. She is so knowledgeable. I am continually impressed with how well she connects things and understands the doctrine of the scriptures! We then met with A, a new investigator, who has been coming to church. We taught her a 1st and gave her a baptismal date. It is hard for her though because of her health and her family is not all for her becoming a member...we will probably focus our next lesson on the gospel of Christ and the blessings that come by making and keeping covenants with Heavenly Father. Later, we had ward council. I am happy that ward council is becoming a regular scheduled meeting here now! (It took a while for that.)

On Friday, there was a Relief Society activity which our investigator T and two new members (M and K) went to. They thoroughly enjoyed learning to make desserts and the thoughts on motherhood. After the activity, we taught T about the Plan of Salvation. I think that she really enjoyed that lesson. She has a daughter who is very sick right now, from what I understand she is near death, so I think she found a lot of comfort from the Plan of Salvation lesson. We also met with A, after receiving a text that he sent us saying that he had decided that he wanted to be baptized. I know you have already heard about it, but that was a powerful meeting. One that I will not ever forget. 

On Saturday, we met with A again and taught him about the 10 commandments and keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. He is progressing really well. Every time we leave him with a commitment, he follows through. He also has many questions about the Book of Mormon, which have lead to some pretty great discussions. (Right before the meeting with you on Sunday, he told us he admired King Benjamin's teachings to his people.) After that meeting, we then met with T and taught her the Word of Wisdom and Chastity. She doesn't have a problem with the Word of Wisdom, but she will need to be interviewed by you regarding the Law of Chastity. Is Thursday in the afternoon still okay with you? 

On Sunday, we were disappointed that T was not able to make it to church and that A showed up late.  We met with A after church however and taught him the Word of Wisdom and Chasity. He has smoked and drank in the past, but he told us that he would stop. We will follow up with him on that in our meeting tonight. We then met with M (new member) and read from the Book of Mormon with her. 

Thank you again for your attention to A's situation. I understand that his situation is very unique and as a companionship we are continuing to pray for guidance and direction from the Lord. 

Because of our lessons with A, I wanted to understand a little bit more of what he has learned or understands about Abraham, so I felt prompted to read the Book of Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price. That is one of my favorite books of scripture now! I especially have felt my testimony of the Plan of Salvation grow. I am really glad that I have been able to better focus my studies on my investigators and am still learning to better apply what I learn. Also, as I have been focusing on one chapter of the Book of Mormon a day, I have been able to use some of the scriptures from that specific chapter in lessons. 

I really feel that this transfer I am learning so much more that Heavenly Father needs me to learn. I know that He is guiding my studies. I am so grateful for his influence in my life. I am grateful for the many blessings he is giving me, my companion,and our investigators. A few weeks ago, I thought that none of our investigators were going to progress or make it to baptism. Recently, I have seen the Lord's hand in their lives and have seen them move closer to baptism. It is such a blessing.

Thank you for your time this week. I love you and Sister C!

Sister Morreall

Dear Family,

Have an awesome Halloween!! I love and miss you all! I am sending a letter this week! 


Fun/cool things:

They have baby mannequins here. Yup.

Morreall in Russian means "sea"

Armenians eat raw hot dogs/ other meat on's not fun to swallow.

A lot of the times when we talk about Adam and Eve with Armenians they say that the story goes that Eve took a nibble of the fruit and Adam at the rest of it hahahaha I think that's super funny.