Monday, September 30, 2013

# 27

Dear President,

On Monday, we met with A and E, member referrals. We went to their home and did How To Begin Teachings with them. We established our expectations for them, and after getting through most of the lesson, A's husband, pulled back the curtain that divides their home and said that he wanted to learn too! We didn't know he had been home at the time, but he had been listening to us and was interested in our message. We were very excited about that!

On Tuesday, we had District Meeting and had a great discussion on the Questions of the Soul. We discussed how we can better use them while finding and this week I have used some extra meal time to find other scriptures to answer the common questions that people have. After District Meeting, we went on exchanges. Sister R came with me to Arabkir. I love Sister R! She is wonderful. She bears powerful testimony and intently listens to the people. We visited L, and talked more about the atonement in her life. She has been sick and unfortunately has been at the hospital this week. We are praying that she will get better. We also met with G and read the Book of Mormon with her. She has had a hard time remembering to read and feels uncomfortable about coming to church. We are planning on bringing members with us next time so that she will have a friend in the church.

                                                                                Misa's 20th birthday.

On Wednesday, we visited with A and E again. A's husband was at work unfortunately and couldn't make the lesson. However, we were able to teach the others the Restoration, establish baptismal dates and left them with Books of Mormon. We then visited M, a new member. We went over the Plan of Salvation. She has many questions about the Resurrection and the Three Kingdoms. She knows the Bible very well, so we have been using the Book of Mormon to clearly explain and expound upon the doctrine in the Bible. It has given me the opportunity to study the Plan of Salvation more carefully in my studies. After our visit with M, we visited M and A, members. A's sister was in town and so we went over and taught about the Restoration. We gave her a Book of Mormon and a soft baptismal date. It was also a wonderful opportunity for A and M to bear their testimony about the gospel to their family member. 

On Thursday, we met with J (member) and S (inactive) and read Alma 5:14-15 with them. We had a nice discussion about renewing our covenants with the Lord and becoming reconverted to his gospel. I think it was a great message for S to hear, and she told us that she would try to start coming back to church again. We later had an appointment with L, but she was still in the hospital, so we ended up going walking. Before we left to go walking, we prayed about where to go, and decided on a set path. We met H, an elderly man on the street who invited us in off the street. His daughters weren't home, so we had to schedule for another time, but we were able to talk to him about our purpose on life. I asked him about his family and he told us that his wife had passed away, but that he loved her very much. He was getting choked up. We bore testimony to him that he will see his wife again someday and that he can live with her and his family forever with Heavenly Father. That seemed to give him comfort and he told us to call and meet with him later in the week.

On Friday, we tried calling H, but his daughter answered the phone and wouldn't let us speak to him. She said they weren't interested in our message. We are hoping to run into him on the street again though, since he lives so close to the church. We also met with A and N, less actives and taught them about the temple. We invited them to come to church and to make the next temple trip their goal so that they can be sealed together. We then met with R, who has not been keeping commitments and encouraged her to read the Book of Mormon, but since she has not been keeping commitments, we are going to give her back to the Lord for a little bit and call her in a few weeks to see if she is ready to meet again. That is always hard. We also had a few other meetings scheduled, but they fell through and so we went walking and met some great people.

On Saturday, we met G, a middle-aged man on the streets. He told us that his wife had recently passed away. We bore testimony about the Plan of Salvation and told him he will see her again some day. We then gave him a Plan of Salvation packet and invited him to read it. He wouldn't agree to meet with us right then, but as we walked away I saw him open the pamphlet and start to read it as he kept walking. A few minutes after we had walked away from him, I felt like we should go back to see him, so we did. We found him sitting on a bench reading the pamphlet. He told us that he lives in a village not far away, but felt like coming to the city today but wasn't sure why. He told us that he would call us a little bit later when he got home, and he did. We are hoping to meet with him this week, or pass him to the Elders. Later at night, we called and reminded investigators and less active members to come to church. 

On Sunday, we were pretty disappointed that after all the great lessons we had, none of our investigators or the less actives came to church. We also got a phone call from A's husband saying that he and his family do not want to hear any more about our message. We asked him why, but he never answered us and just insisted that we don't come back. It was very hard. I feel so much for them and for our other investigators. I know I have been doing all I can to help them, but it is just hard watching them choose not to act or to accept our message after already having felt the Spirit. How can I help them? And how do I know when is an appropriate time to give them back to the Lord for a while? It is something I have been praying about and thinking about. 

Later after church, we met with L, a new member whose nephew just past away. We read Alma 40 with her and talked about the Resurrection and eternal families. This brought her much peace and comfort. The Spirit was there and she thanked us for the lesson. After, we visited M & A, new members and read the Book of Mormon with them. A said that her sister isn't interested anymore in learning and so she didn't show up for the lesson. It was such a completely different experience from our previous lesson with L. I have seen how the gospel can bring peace into the lives of many if they accept it, and it breaks my heart when I see others who could benefit so much from it who turn it down. 

But I will continue to keep working. I love the Armenian people. One marshutani driver was very friendly to us this week, and the man who runs the fruit stand that we go to on Preparation Days gave us some grapes for free. Tender mercies! 

I also have a question…last year, some companionships did a service week where they went out and did service in the mornings and then came back in to do studies. Would it be all right if Sister M and I try that before it gets too cold outside? 

I hope that your week has been a great one. I know that you are very busy, but I appreciate the time you take to read my emails and to respond back.

I love you,
Sister M


I hope all is well with you! How are Grandma Mandarino and Grandma Gerry doing? And the cousins? Mom, I hope you are still continuing to do well. I heard Binghamton won the homecoming game. That is awesome! That is too bad about the Yankees though. Trev, do you have your license yet? Asia...still waiting on your letters heffalump! ;) How is seminary going? I am sending out another letter this week. Glad you all got my last one!

I love and miss you all and hope you are doing well!


Funny/cool things:

So this is not very fun or cool...but I think when I get home I want to get tested for parasites or worms...a lot of the food here has worms in it...I know from experience. Also, when people who have nothing give all they can to you and it is a peach with a worm in eat it. Again, I have been humbled by how little these people have, but how much they give. 

A 6 year old also corrected me on my Armenian this week...on a phrase I have been saying my whole mission...that was pretty humbling too. But inch anem! (What do I do?) I am still learning! Haha.

Also, the 27th was my 6 month mark! One more year left to go! (Although, I will fly home in the middle of October because of the way transfers work out.) It is crazy how fast the time flies by...I'll see you all soon next year ;)

Monday, September 23, 2013

# 26

Dear family, 

Sorry, this week I spent a lot of time writing the President...I had a hard week, but I learned a lot. Here is my letter to him:

President C, 

This week was a hard week. Many of our investigators have not been keeping commitments. I have really been struggling with this. I understand that it all comes down to them using their agency, but I was really contemplating what else I could be doing to help them. What can I be doing better? I have been studying how I can become more of a light to others so that they recognize me as a disciple of Jesus Christ and bear witness of Him more clearly.

I was reading in Mosiah chapter 5 during personal study and came across verse 5. King Benjamin is talking to his people, those who have "entered into a covenant with God" to be obedient to the end of their lives. He says "Your hearts are changed through faith on His name; therefore, ye are born of take upon you the name of Christ." I thought about that in two ways. Physically and spiritually. As a missionary, I literally have Christ's name on me's on my badge. It is easy for people to read and see that I follow Christ. But for them to understand and feel His love for Him, I need to more clearly take His name upon me. I know I have already been baptized and have been given the Holy Ghost, but I was thinking about how I can continually become reborn or have my "heart changed through faith on His name." I was also thinking about the 4th missionary and why he is different than the 3rd missionary...he comes home changed. But how? His heart is changed through faith on the Lord's name. God's will is his will. He yields himself unto the Lord (2 Chron. 30:8). He kills the natural man, waxes stronger in humility and in the faith if Christ "unto the sanctification of their hearts...which cometh because of yielding our hearts to God" (Hel. 3:35). He is sanctified. And I believe that is what living the higher law is (we talked about at Zone Conference) - submitting yourself to God's will, sanctifying your hearts, because you love Him. You do His will with an eye single to His glory. This comes through faith in Jesus Christ and is accomplished by His Spirit, which fills with light, purifies and sanctifies. That is why it is so crucial to exercise faith. That is why it is so crucial to repent and work to be worthy to have the Spirit. That is why it is so crucial to renew our baptismal covenants with God. Especially as a missionary. D&C 88:67-68 explains that "if your eye be single to my (God's) glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things...therefore, sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to the glory of God, and the days will come that you shall see him, for he will unveil his face unto you." What a beautiful promise! As I studied this, I was forced to ask myself if I have really done this. I read one of my favorite scriptures in Alma where Alma asks the people "Have you spiritually been born of God? Have ye received His image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? Do you exercise faith in the redemption of Him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith? (Alma 5:14-15). This was running through my mind yesterday during sacrament meeting and I had a really touching experience during the sacrament ordinance. I was reminded of how through the Savior's atonement all of this is made possible. We can be sanctified. We can be that window to His love. (I really appreciated that song that Elder M, and Sister H and S sang during Zone Conference). I am grateful for the opportunity to renew the covenants I have made with the Lord every week. I'm grateful for the promised blessing of always having the Spirit to be with me. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to bear His name on me physically, and in my countenance. I hope that this week I can be more of an example of Him and more of a clear window so that others can feel of His love and the truthfulness of His gospel through me. Even though it was a hard week, I am going to work on being the best I can be so that I can give an accounting of the Lord and know for myself that my investigators were given every opportunity and I have done my very best with them. 

Thank you for the wonderful Zone Conference. I left filled with the Spirit. It reminded me of why I decided to serve a mission. I was also very grateful for the opportunity I had to bear my testimony on faith. I felt like weight was lifted of my shoulders.

I love you,
Sister Morreall

P.S. The verb "to sanctify" in Armenian literally means to work holiness. Awesome huh?

How is the family? I love getting your emails! I also really like dear elders.  

Cool/funny things:
Armenians NEVER forget birthday was awesome. They also wish you health, success and a good husband for the coming year haha. Awesome huh dad?  

Did you know they have chili chocolate here?

They also sometime have a hard time with my name so I tell them it's "model" so now sometimes they call me "Sister Model" hahaha...whatever is easier! I have also been told Morreall in Russian is something really pretty...they could have just been saying that to make be feel good too haha. I don't know. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

# 25

*note from Mom*
She's using initials now rather than full names of investigators and members.

Dear family, 

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes! I sure love and miss you all.

This week was a challenging, but rewarding week.

On Monday, we had Family Home Evening with Bishop and L. We are working with them to try and get their grandson, G, baptized. We read The Family: Proclamation to the World with them and talked about the roles of family members and how we can be together forever with our families. (I love that!)

On Tuesday, we had District Meeting which was conducted by the assistants. We talked about becoming more need based missionaries and using the Spirit more in our daily activities. We talked about inviting and listening to the Spirit. Sometimes I get down on myself after an OYM (open your mouth) that goes bad or when someone just completely rejects what we say, but I need to remember to cheer up and continue to be led by the Spirit.

After the meeting, we met with R and read from the Book of Mormon with her. She really wants to be baptized, but is having a hard time keeping commitments. We then met with L, and taught a lesson on the atonement. We really tried to bring the Spirit into the lesson. We invited her husband (who is usually against us being there) into the lesson and he stayed! We also brought him a Book of Mormon because he has read it and says that it is a good book, along with some figs. I think that softened him up a little bit. 

On Wednesday, we met with M and read the Book of Mormon with her. We also helped her clean up her house. I like doing service, it shows people that we really care about them. We next met with R and brought G (a member) with us. We had a good lesson review about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Hopefully, she will begin reading. After that lesson, we went to S and G's house and taught the Plan of Salvation Unfortunately, we didn't get much of a lesson in though, because they kept trying to feed us dinner. Armenians are so hospitable! But sometimes they force you to eat haha Usually in a loving way. 

On Thursday, we met with N and S, new investigators and did How To Begin Teachings with them. Sister M and I have been practicing our How To Begin Teachings together so that we can whip them off and it flows naturally. After, we met with L and helped her carry her bags of fruit home. There, we helped her wash, cut and start to dry them. Service is such a good opportunity to show love for others.

On Friday, we met with R, who invited us over for dolma. (Mom, I just sent a letter home with a dolma recipe in it...let me know when you get it.) She invited her friend, N, and we did some How To Begin Teachings with her and talked to her a little bit about the church. Hopefully, we can pick her up as a new investigator and teach her and R together. After that lesson, we met with M and A, members, and talked to them about charity. We invited them to bring friends to church this week, but I guess this past Sunday was an Armenian holiday, so most people are at the cemeteries on that day. We are still working with our members to try and bring more people into the church though. That is the best way! I think back home if people would just invite, share the gospel and work with one friend, the Binghamton Ward could be double the size it is back home. How awesome would that be?!

On Saturday, we met with A, who is leaving for Georgia for a few weeks. She wanted to say goodbye to us, so we went out for ice cream and helped her get ready to leave. She had a lot of questions about prophets and apostles and so we talked a lot about the priesthood authority and the Restoration. After we went to L's house and served her by putting up her curtains, ironing, and cleaning.  Her granddaughters were there so we talked about the church while we were cleaning with them. We then visited S and her family. We started teaching the Plan of Salvation with them, but they had so many questions (which is good), that we will have to finish it next time.

On Sunday, we helped M after church find the Bishop so that she could pay her tithing and ask for a calling. We then went to the Family History center and A helped her start her family history search. After, we went to L's house and had another spiritual experience. We came and taught her and her granddaughters about the Plan of Salvation. We really focused on the atonement and how we can use the atonement by being baptized. L and her granddaughters have had really hard lives, so I think that sunk into their hearts. They really want to be baptized, but L's husband won't let them go to church. We prayed with her about it and told her that it might take sometime, but that she would be able to be baptized one day. As we were discussing this, L's husband came into the room. We invited him to a baptism (along with L and the girls). He said no and left, but after a little bit, he came back in the room and asked us about the baptism again. He said he would like to go and that he would even let L and the girls start coming to church and that he might come one day! We were so excited. I felt so strongly that Heavenly Father helped us get through to L's husband and had immediately answered our prayer. That was such a strong experience to me of how God does really answers prayers. I know that was a strong testimony builder for L too. She even told us that she felt the Spirit so strongly answer her. It was an amazing experience that I'm grateful I had!

This week was definitely focused on service and teaching to others' needs. It really brings the Spirit in, which testifies of the truthfulness of our message. 

So how was everyone's week this week? I bet the Yankees/Baltimore game was fun. And I heard the back-to-school Stake activity was great! Mom, I am sorry to hear about the muscle weakness, but I am glad it is getting better. I am glad you are having a fun time planning for Halloween! Please keep telling the boys not to put Utah and Redsox decals in the funny as that's also gross. Also, I hope everyone enjoys the icecream cake and the seminary kids enjoy the donuts for my birthday. Thanks again for all of the birthday wishes!

I love and miss you all!
Misa :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

# 24

Dear Family, 

There has been an announcement regarding missionaries in the Eastern European area and sharing information on public sites. I will no longer be able to send pictures of my investigators, church members or my companions to put on the blog. I will only be able to send pictures of just myself. Also, any information (first/last names) that I have already written about others (like when I have talked about my investigators) will need to be deleted. You can replace their names with the first letter though...for example the name "Misa" will become "M" in order to keep the the stories that I have already sent. All pictures of others must be deleted however. Only pictures of just me can remain. This is to protect the members and investigators here and in other countries in the Europe East Area. This will remain in affect until I hear otherwise from Pres. C. 

I have decided this week to write to you about charity. I have studied it a lot this week and it has become my favorite Christ like attribute. Without charity we are nothing. I love serving among Armenians because they really are so charitable. They always offer us food when we enter their houses and they send us away with gifts or food as well. They really are so willing to give everything they have to complete strangers, knowing that they will be left with nothing. Isn't that how we all should be? Christ was so willing to help everyone and He never got anything in return. I was studying the events of the atonement this week. Christ poured out His soul to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane and took upon Him the sins, pains and sufferings of everyone who ever lived or would live. All the while, His beloved disciples slept. After, He knew He was going to betrayed, taken, tried and crucified, but He willingly did so for us. So that we could all have the opportunity to return to live with Him and our Father in Heaven. That is pure love. That is charity. I challenge each of you this week to do something extra or some act of kindness for someone this week and to think about how you can show your love for others. 

I love and miss you all so much! Trevor and Asia, have a great first day of school! Mom, keep fighting :) Mom and Dad, thank you for all of your emails and support. I continually keep all of you in my prayers. I love and miss you! 

Love, Misa

*note from Mom* 
We're still trying to determine what the mission wants, and I'm hoping Misa will resume writing her day to day goings on only without her investigators' or members' full names, just initials.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

# 23

Dear Family, 

I'm sorry last week\s email was short and not very substantial. It was a very busy Monday last week! I promise that this one will be better.

Last Monday after preparing for the week, Sister McDonald and I went and visited Sveta (40 y.o. lady) in Qanaqer. There are seven members in her family that live with her (all women) and we taught them about the Restoration. We left them with Books of Mormon and challenged them to read. We brought them some treats and in return they insisted that we stay for dinner. We had was delicious (and yes Mom, I got the recipe).

                                                                            At the market (shuka)

On Tuesday, we had district meeting. There are 4 companionships the Ajapnyak District now (instead of 6 like last transfer). We discussed making goals. Last transfer, we had 20 baptisms as a branch (9 from our district - Arabkir - and 11 from the Assistants and Sister Training Leaders - Ajapnyak). This transfer we set a goal for 38. It's a high goal, but we're putting our faith and trust in the Lord. After the meeting, Sister McDonald and I along with the Nork Elders met with Grigor, our Ward Mission Leader. We shared our goals for the transfer with him and discussed our investigators. He is the first ward mission leader this new ward has had so we are also working with him to establish his role and guide him along the way. A lot of our work here is helping ward and stake leaders fulfill their callings since this is a newly formed stake, so I have been learning a lot of how to work with and help guide the leaders here. After that meeting, we met with Melanya and Sona, investigators who can only meet a few times a month. We reviewed the Restoration and Plan of Salvation and encouraged them to continue reading the Book of Mormon. Then we met with one of our contacts, Anahit and gave her a tour of the church and established our expectations with her. Next meeting we will teach the Restoration and extend an invitation to be baptized.

On Wednesday, we met with Ruzan and gave her a Book of Mormon and challenged her to read. Then we met with Julia, a member, and had a testimony with her, the Nork elders and Hayk. She has such a strong testimony and has been a great example for her son who is inactive. So we are going to try and work with her to reactive him. We then visited Sveta and followed up her commitment to read the Book of Mormon. She read! We are going to keep encouraging her to read and work on getting her to church. 

                                                                                  With Ruzan

Thursday morning three people stopped and asked us about the church when we were running in the morning! They were people that we always barevel (say hello to) and so they were curious about us. It was great to talk to them and bear testimony that early in the morning. Later after planning for the week, we met with Lala (newly baptized) and taught her about the priesthood and callings in the church. We invited her to ask the Bishop for a calling and to speak in church and we told her we will work with the Bishop to get her home teachers. After meeting with Lala, we took Mehrujan and Alvina to the Reeses apartment so that they could skype with the Eyres (previous office couple). We helped translate, so that was good practice for me! Lately, I've felt very humbled because of the language. It has been really hard for me lately to speak. I am learning a lot, but I feel like I am not applying the things that I learn as much as I could be. I know it takes time for it to happen, so I will continue to keep working on it (but we all know how patient I am...)

On Friday, we met with Ruzan again and taught her daughters the Adam and Eve story since she asked us to in our last lesson. We then explained that because of Adam's transgression (and the fall of mankind) there was a need for the atonement. We then taught her the Gospel of Christ (faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end). We extended the invitation for her to be baptized and she accepted. We then met with Marine (new member) and reviewed tithing and fast offerings with her. She asked if she could donate more to the other auxiliaries as well! And she is planning on asking the Bishop to give a talk in church and receive a calling. She even asked if she could come to lessons with us to help teach our investigators. Every time we visit her I am impressed by how much of a desire she has to serve the Lord! After meeting with her, we when to Qanaqer and OYMed a lot since we had no other plans for the day. We OYMed 43 people that night...that is a new record for me. (Not that I am keeping was just a lot!)

On Saturday we met with, Karine, a referral from the Ajapnyak Sisters at the church. We established expectations with her and invited her to begin meeting with us. Then we met with Sveta, who brought her sister-in-law, Guyane, to the meeting because she really wanted to meet with us. We taught both of them about families and the Plan of Salvation. We then met with Elder and Sister Redlin (Humanitarian couple) here and helped put on an activity for the members and investigators. We watched a newly produced video on church humanitarian aid for people in Armenia. Did you know we have brought water to 150 villages in Armenia? I know everything we researched before I came here said that Armenia was somewhat like a 2nd world country...and it is, in the city, but I would say like 95% of the country is more like 3rd world. So it was pretty great that we could share how the church has been helping Armenia with the Armenian people through a video. I think it should be online soon, but it will be in Armenian so good luck trying to understand :)

At church on Sunday, Sister McDonald and I helped translate for the English speakers. The English branch has gotten smaller since all of the Filipinos moved back to the Philippines (we miss them all so much!!), and so the English branch comes to the Armenian ward for Relief Society and Priesthood. After church, we went walking for a little bit and OYMed people. We met three men from Russia who are world champion professional boxers...they knew all about the church from back in Russia and so we invited them to come to our ward while they were here and left them with contact info for when they go back to Russia. After walking, we went to Helen's house and helped her fill out her mission papers for a mission. She is awesome! We take her to lessons sometimes because she relates well to our investigators and bears powerful testimony. I am excited for her to be able to serve soon!

So how was the Virginia trip? It sounds like everyone had a fun time. It's a bummer that BYU lost though. But I'm sure the historical sites and shopping was fun! Dad, I forgot to tell you that I withdrew 20,000 dram (calm's about $50) last week. could you check and see what my balance is at now and let me know. Thanks! Asia, I was just wondering have you thought about getting your Patriarchal Blessing yet? I love reading has been a big help to me here on my mission. Trev...get your license bro! Also, I want to challenge you and Asia to read from Preach My Gospel everyday and also from the Bible...I wish I had done more of that before I came on my mission. I think it will really prepare you both!

I sure miss and love you all. It was great to email back and forth with you for a bit, Mom.

Have a great week!

Misa :)

Random/cool things:
I saw a lamb get sacrificed this week...

Armenians put matsun (it's like plain yogurt...but more...ripened...) on their face to cool them down. They say it also helps with keeping their skin healthy.