Thursday, April 25, 2013

# 5

Dear Family,

This week was filled with highs and lows. Last week I wrote about feeling a little better on Prep-day...but actually I still felt really sick later on in the day. But the really nice part about Prep-day was the temple. On our way up the mountain, Kuyr Jack and I ran into our teacher, Brother Carlson! He was just getting out of the temple and it was really weird to see him outside of the MTC. The temple was so nice and relaxing though. After the temple, we taught at the TRC and this week 8 people showed up to be taught. We taught four at a time and we taught about revelation through prayer. The first group we taught was impressed at our lesson and gave us great feedback with things we did well and what we can work on. The second group asked us how long we'd been in the MTC and was surprised when we said only a few weeks. They actually gave us a standing ovation haha. But they were just super nice and there is a lot that Kuyr Jack and I need to work on.

                                                                (outside Provo temple)

On Friday, Kuyr Jack and I taught Samvel. It wasn't as great of a lesson as we planned it to be. I was still feeling a little sick and Kuyr Jack and I just weren't on the same page. We weren't in sync and Samvel didn't seem to grasp what we were teaching. After we taught, Brother Carlson told us a little bit about what happened in Boston. How come no one from home told me?! What is going on with the situation now? Anyway, after finding all of that was just a rough day. I think the highlight was when Brother White came to teach and we had to teach a lesson in 1 minute, then 30 seconds, then 15 seconds. It helped us to narrow down the important things we would say to an investigator or someone we just met if we only had a small amount of time. We ended up talking about the most important parts of the lessons we give and it showed us what we need to focus on when we teach others. Also, Brother White told us he loved us in Armenian. I think he knew that day was just a bummer and so it was awesome to have one of our teachers tell us that after a neat teaching experience.

On Saturday, nothing out of the ordinary really happened. I feel like things here at the MTC are starting to be very...repetitive...monotonous...etc... But we did have a cool lesson on the importance of the Book of Mormon. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. It is proof that Joseph Smith was the first latter-day prophet and that he restored the Christ's church on the earth today. I also studied Christlike attributes in my personal study and studied some things from my Patriarchal Blessing. I learned a lot!!  I encourage anyone who has their Patriarchal Blessing to read it this week because you learn something new every time you read it :) On Saturday I also began memorize a few scriptures in Armenian and worked on them throughout the week.

Sunday was my favorite day this week. I felt completely better by Sunday and I was on a spiritual high. In the morning Kuyr Jack and I prepared our lesson for the district (basically like a Sunday School lesson since we don't have a Sunday School block here.) Then we went to Music and the Spoken Word and then Relief Society. Sister Cheryl Esplin of the Primary General Presidency spoke to us and talked about filling ourselves with the gospel and light of Christ. After Relief Society, we had sacrament and every week since we don't know how is going to get called to speak in Sacrament Meeting we always take guesses. Well we all basically guessed Elder Mead and Sister Ormsby and wouldn't you know it, they were both called to speak this Sunday haha. Our Branch Presidency couldn't believe that we guessed right haha. They spoke on the Holy Ghost...I just love hearing talks and testimonies from the missionaries in my zone. It's so powerful. After Sacrament Meeting, Kuyr Jack and I taught the District a lesson on revelation through the Holy Ghost. We got a lot of people to participate and share some awesome experiences. Brother Laney who was presiding the meeting also shared some insight on the Holy Ghost and how we need to "hearken" to promptings. After the lesson, we went on a temple walk in the afternoon and then made it back in time to join the choir and practice for Tuesday's devotional. Later that night, we went to a fireside by BYU's Men's Chorus. I saw Nathaniel from my Math 110 class at BYU and also Aaron (who comes for TRC and served in Armenia) in the chorus! It was pretty cool to hear them sing. Apparently, the chorus also just recorded a CD about missionary work that is free for all missionaries. So anyone preparing to serve a mission should definitely check it out. I loved all of their songs! Also, for the last song they sang they invited any missionaries who used to sing in the choir to come up and join in singing the last song. About four missionaries ran up to their spots on the stand where they used to sing and all of their buddies just gave them huge hugs and they got to sing with the m for the last song. It was really awesome to watch

Monday, we continued learning more Armenian tenses with Brother Carlson. He's a linguist and so we usually study language with him. There are so many tenses and moods in Armenian. I can't remember but I think there's at least 10, probably more. It's crazy trying to remember them all! Reading the Book of Mormon in Armenian has helped though. I used to be so slow, but now I am getting faster at it. There are 39 letters in the Armenian alphabet and so knowing all of them in their capital and lower case forms was really hard at first. Also, they are different typed than they are hand written, so reading the Book of Mormon at first was really hard, but now it is getting easier. I used to only be able to read five verses in 30 minutes, but now I am averaging a chapter a day. The Lord is truly blessing me as I am trying to learn this language. Actually, the other day in class I was trying to write in English and I couldn't remember how to spell appreciate and I was getting frustrated, but Brother Carlson just said "That is awesome!" Later when Brother White taught, we practice street contacting and what we would say to people when we first meet them and share a little bit of our message about the church. We went outside and it was really fun! Pretty intimidating at first though. Monday was also the first day the field was open for gym so that was pretty sweet. We played volleyball and soccer. Gym is an awesome stress reliever (Not that I'm super stressed or anything here...just very busy...all of the time).

                                                (with one of her instructors, Sister Crawford)

Tuesday, Kuyr Jack and I practiced SYLing for service. We also practiced bringing up the Book of Mormon in conversations with others. In class we went over the scriptures we have memorized with Sister Crawford. I know Moses 1:39, Moroni 10:4-5 and I am working on James 1:5 and JSH 1:16-17 in Armenian now. With Sister Crawford we talked about the atonement and the repentance process. We discussed Alma the younger and how when we repent of our sins we do not feel pain or sorrow anymore and are replaced with exceedingly great joy. I thought about how when we repent Christ forgives us and forgets the sins we committed. I thought about how He atoned for our sins and went through our pain and how he forgets our sins when we repent. So when we repent wouldn't the sins He atoned for all be replaced with exceedingly great joy too? Just something to think about. It made me realize how when I sin I want to repent not just for me, but so that Christ doesn't have to remember my sins and can feel great joy as well. Later after class, we sang in the choir for devotional. Elder David F. Evans of the Quorum of the Seventy and his wife, Mary, spoke on not being a distraction and repentance. The theme this week has just been repentance. After the devotional, we had a District meeting and discussed the devotional. Later before going to bed I received that bad news letter from home...sheesh, three things in one letter? I'm glad everyone in the family is okay though and I'm keeping everyone in my prayers.

Yesterday's letter from you all was much better haha. Thanks for the sweet letter, Mom! My day started off much better because of it. And guess what? I also ran into Jeff! I was on my way to dinner and he was preparing for a lesson. It brightened up my already awesome day. It was nice running into him. It reminded me that I have good friends supporting me as I serve a mission and also I thought about how he served a great mission and that I can do it too.

So how is everyone doing? Hopefully, Trevor and Asia are doing well. How are the cousins? I miss you all so much! I loved getting your letter Heffalump! And Trev and Dad I want to hear from you too!

Also, this is for Kendal: I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO THE PHILIPPINES! YOU WILL LOVE IT! I know it seems scary at first (trust me, I was terrified about learning Armenian), but you can do it! Heavenly Father believes in you and your family and friends support you. You will love it and you will enjoy learning all about it here in the MTC! I love you!

I love you family and I can't wait to hear from you!! Yes seerum em dzez!

Kuyr Morreall

**note from Mom""

Music and the Spoken Word?

Relief Society is the church's women's organization. 

"SYL" means speak your language (the foreign language being studied).

Thursday, April 18, 2013

# 4

Barev dzez untaneekuh! (Hello family!)

Inchbes ek? (How are you?) Thank you so so much for the package mom! I loved it! No worries about not including the camera cord. If you have the chance to send it later that would be awesome, but I know it's a hassle to put together and send packages so that's okay if you can't. I also don't really need anything else (but I would love letters from my siblings ;)). Also, I want to express my thanks to everyone who wrote to Elder Webb! You made his whole week. Every time he went to get the mail for our district, he would come back and tell me "Another one of your friends wrote me!" He was so excited to get mail and I want to just say again how grateful I am for all of you that wrote him!

This week, like always, was very busy. Thursday, I went to the temple again with my zone. We all went together and it was an awesome bonding experience. :Later that night, we had TRC, which is where they have people come from outside of the MTC who speak Armenian and we share a message or teach a lesson to them. Kuyr Jack and I were really nervous, but everyone was so friendly and told us that we were doing a great job. They thought we were week four's, even though we had only been in the MTC for two weeks. One of the sisters who came in also told me that I would fit in very well in Armenia because of my dark hair and eyes. Hopefully, that will be an advantage. Also on Thursday I had an interview with Brother White. He just wanted to see how I was doing and talk about my time here at the MTC so far. We had a great discussion and we talked about my strengths and ways I can improve. He told me I am very good at speaking and putting together sentences. I am also good at vocalizing my thoughts on what my companion and I should do. I need to try and work on letting her kind of take the lead at times (she's sometimes shy about what she wants to do) and also listening well so I can understand more of what is being said in Armenian. Overall, it was a great interview. I love talking with Brother White. He is very down to earth.

Friday, Sister Crawford taught and we had a lesson on hope. We had the chance to personally study hope and I chose to read Moroni. I figure since he was the last Nephite he needed to have a lot of hope and faith. I love Moroni 10:20 which closely links faith, hope and charity. 

Saturday, we swtiched from 10M to 18M because of some construction going on at the MTC. Kuyr Jack and I moved everything Armenian over to the new building...and guess whose class is exactly across from the new one I moved to? Sister Jensen (Liz)! We see each other everyday now that I have moved buildings. It is awesome!

Sunday was my first "normal" Sunday here at the MTC since the last two were Easter and Conference. Everyone in my zone prepared talks on baptism just in case we were called to give talks, but luckily I wasn't chosen this week. Relief Society was also very awesome. We had a guest speaker, Sister Mary Edmunds. She talked about life as a missionary, especially with so many new sisters now. She said a very funny quote that was the talk of the day at the MTC. She said "Sisters, don't touch the elders, but remember the ones you want to touch when you get home." Hahaha. She had me dying. Later, we had a devotional by Greg Droubay. He works for the Church's Media Department. He talked a lot about the campaigns the church has in NYC and London to spread the word about Mormons and clear up any misconceptions that people have because of the Book of Mormon musical. He showed pictures of Times Square and the billboards/taxi signs/buses with the ads. He showed pictures of London too. My favorite was one that showed a bus with an ad for the Book of Mormon musical that said "The Mormons are coming." Right behind it was a bus for that said "We're here. Visit to learn more." I encourage all of my friends who aren't Mormon to visit to learn more. I have a profile on that site, so you can look for me and see if you can find me :) Also, to my friends who are LDS, I challenge you to share one LDS talk or Mormon messases video this week on facebook, twitter or any other social media site. You really don't know who much influence you have or who it will influence!

Monday, during class I learned of some new changes taking place here at the MTC that might affect me. I can't really say what is going on until they announce it, but I will be sure to let you know if I am part of it. Monday was also when I got my package from Mom :) I was the luckiest girl in my zone!

Tuesday, was soooo busy! I have been reading the Book of Mormon in Armenian and following along in my English scriptures. I made it to 1 Nephi 5 so far. My goal I set on Tuesday was to make it to chapter 8 by the end of the week...I am slowly but surely getting there. Kuyr Jack and I did "Celestial Service" on Tuesday and ended up cleaning the drinking fountains in 1M. We were challenged for the whole hour to speak Armenian and talk about our families. We did it! It was hard because we kept running out of things to say, but we made it the whole hour which we were happy about. Later during class, we had an awesome discussion with Sister Crawford about the Restoration. We talked about how Heavenly Father prepared America to be a place of religious freedom and how about 50 years later Joseph Smith brought about the restoration. At night, we had a devotional given by...are you ready for this...Richard G. Scott! I was able to make it to the auditorium to see him speak in person. He talked about saying sincerer prayers and promised those of us who are learning different languages that we will receive help from God. He said that our learning the language will become easier when we remind God that we are here because he called us and that we need His help. He also talked a ton about all of the sisters serving now. He gave us an apostolic blessing. He blessed us that we would be able to learn our language with ease and that our choice to serve a mission will bless our relationships with our future husbands and and enrich our life. It will also help us raise our children in righteousness. When he was done, we sang a hymn and just as a sister was getting up to say the closing prayer, Elder Scott got back up and was impressed to tell us that the Lord called us to succeed and not to fail and that He will fit the task to our capabilities. I love that! After devotional, Kuyr Jack had a rough night, so we had companionship inventory and talked a lot with each other. That night while I was sleeping I woke up sick and on Wednesday I wasn't feeling any better.

On Wednesday during class, we learned about catering to our investigator's needs. After class, Brother Carlson went to lunch with us and had us SYL "Speak Your Language." Both Brother Carlson and Brother White were very understanding of me not feeling well on Wednesday. They suggested that I go back to the room and study and take a nap. I felt bad for making Kuyr Jack miss gym, so I went to gym with her and read while she worked out and then we just went back to the room to study and so I could sleep.

Today, I am still not feeling that great, but I'm better than yesterday. I hope everything is well with the family. Keep me updated! I love hearing from everyone and appreciate all of the letters I receive!

Yes seerum em dzez (I love you all)

Kuyr Morreall

**note from Mom**
If you're interested, this is the link to the Book of Moroni which Misa referred to:

Thursday, April 11, 2013

# 3

Dear untaneekuh,
How are you all doing? I miss you all so much! I have shown my roommates here all of my pictures of you guys. (Trevor they think you are a stud and Asia they think you are so cute...I told them they should get to know you both first...haha just kidding ;))
So last Thursday after I wrote home, my zone went to the Provo temple together. It was nice to have a break from learning Armenian and also from being in the MTC...It's awesome here, but sometimes I just need a break.
On Friday, my zone decided to fast for General Conference so that we could get the most out of what was taught over the weekend. We went a sold 24 hours with no was crazy, but defienitely worth it. I know that because of the fast I got so much more out of General Conference.
On Saturday and Sunday, my zone was blessed to have gotten seats for all four sessions of General Conference in the main MTC auditorium and we didn't have to go into the overflow. It was so neat to look down the rows of missionaries and see everyone taking notes. After the sessions, our zone had testimony meetings where we bore our testimony about what was spoken at General Conference. On Saturday night, I bore my testimony about families and missionary work since those two topics really stuck out to me during General Conference. I loved all of the talks on stabilizing the family and creating a Christ-like home. It provides strength and peace for the family. I also loved the talks focused on missionary work and bringing others unto Christ (but I think everyone here at the MTC is partial to that haha). On Saturday night, while the Elders were at Priesthood Session, the Sisters were able to go to a broadcast of the General Young Women Conference. I don't know if you went or saw it Asia, but I love love loved it! You should definitely watch it. Elder Uchtdorf spoke and he is the man. He talked about life being a journey and how our goal is to make it back to our Heavenly Father. He said that when we do, "Heavenly Father will reach to you with outstretched arms and say you've made it back home." Ah, I love that!!
So here are my challenges for our family (and others who are reading) after listening to General Conference: After sending 10 texts, memorize one scripture. (Probably a scripture mastery verse - hint hint Trevor and Asia.). No computer for a week...except to DearElder me and write me :) Which by the way...thank you for the DearElders Mom! I get them the day you write them, so I feel very updated on how things are going. Kneel together every night for family prayer. I know we prayer together as a family every night, but a General Authority bore testimony of the strength families receive when they kneel together in prayer. For an hour a day go without electronics (including music, phones, tv, comps...)
Try that out for a week and see what happens...also, to anyone reading this...feel free to get on my family's case and check up on them to see how they're doing on this challenge for me. ;)
So anyway on Sunday, after General Conference,our zone had a picnic and we all shared treats we had gotten in packages and we kept inviting people walking by to join in. By the end it was just one big crowd of missionaries getting to know each other and relaxing on the Sabbath. It was fun to get to know others and see where they would be serving. It's awesome to learn phrases in other languages. After the picnic, we went on a Sunday walk up to the Provo temple. It was the first time our Swedes, Brits and Spaniards had been to the temple so we got a few pictures for them. They seem to be really enjoying their time here in America (even though we like to talk to them in their accents...they seem to not mind. haha.)
Sunday night there is always a fireside. This Sunday my district was asked to usher for the devotional. So we arrived early and went "backstage" to get trained and everything. While backstage, we met Vocal Point (the BYU acapella group that competed on national TV). They are super friendly and we were able to talk with them for a bit before we had to usher for the devotional. At the devotional, they talked about their missions (they all had served), they bore their testimonies and sang their favorite church hymns for us. It was incredible. I felt the Spirit so strong! After the devotional, my zone had another testimony meeting.
On Monday, nothing real interesting happened. Just more class. We did start teaching a new "investigator" though. Samvel (or Brother Carlson) is a very friendly man. He has a wife and two children. He is unemployed and does not know how to read. He has a lot of questions about prayer. We are hoping in our next lesson to teach him about prayer and the restoration and how he can communicate with God and receive personal revelation.
On Tuesday, Elder Lund (a released General Authority) came and spoke at a devotional. He talked about the importance of revelation and how we can remain worthy to receive revelation. One of my favorite quotes was "If you want to talk to God, kneel down in prayer. If you want God to talk to you, open the scriptures." So many times I have had a question and opened my scriptures and read something that gave me an answer. Even though I probably read that specific scripture so many times, it stuck out that particular time so that I could know the answer to my question. I  mentioned that in the testimony meeting after the devotional and Brother Laney (in our Branch Presidency) talked about that for the rest of the time. We all looked up scriptures that taught us that we need to act for ourselves or do our part to search for an answer. Heavenly Father won't just give it to us right away...he wants us to try finding an answer and put forth some faith first.
On Wednesday, Brother Carlson taught us about "planting Christ's words within us" and as we nourish that seed with faith it will grow into a tree which will bear fruit. He related bearing fruit to understanding and utilizing Christ's atonement. He then explained the different between bringing forth fruit. To bring forth fruit is to help someone else understand and utilize Christ's atonement. As a missionary, I have a big responsibility to bring others unto Christ. But as members of the church with testimonies and understand of our own, we ALL have the privelege and responsibility to help others bear their fruit.  We also role played and pretended to be investigators ourselves and practiced teaching each other.
Later that day, we taught Hovo, our other investigator (Brother White). He is a theologist and is very knowledgable about the Bible. We talked to him about the restoration with very little use of our notes and our lesson lasted about 45 minutes! Crazy huh? It wasn;t perfect and Armenian is still a very hard language and Kuyr Jack and I often get frustrated that we haven't learned it all yet...but then we step back and think wait, we've only been here for two weeks. We are definitely receiving help from above though, because there is no way two weeks ago we could have given a 45 minute lesson all in Armenian. Brother White was super proud of us, but I know that there is always something that we can improve on.
Sister Crawford helped us on Wednesday to practice our vocabulary. She also gave us tips on what to expect in Armenia. Like what the food, weather and people are like. I seriously cannot wait to get out there already!! Today, after writing emails and letters, Kuyr Jack and I are going to the Provo temple again. Always the highlight of my week. Preparation day is also marvelous in that I reserve eating junk food and the BYU Creamery Chocolate milk as an incentive for working hard during the week. Also, I get to wear pants instead of a skirt...which make me super happy.
Anyway, how is everything going? Asia, has your ankle healed yet? Trevor, GO ON A DATE! And tell me all the details :) Have the missionaries moved into the old house yet? I also saw Sister Liz Jensen here at the MTC! We eat together sometimes and she also sat a few rows behind me in General Conference. She is wonderful.  :)
I appreciate all of the DearElders, letters and packages I have received from everyone! My district doesn't receive a lot of mail, so any mail on how the outside world is doing is wonderful! Also, if anyone could write to Elder Connor Webb (same address as me) that would be wonderful. He is our District Leader and our Zone Leader (since he is the only Elder) and he hasn't received like any mail. It's been a real bummer for him. Thanks!!
Dad, I have seen Sister Beck a few times since being at the MTC and she seems to be doing great! Tell President Beck that she is doing well and that she is awesome!
Mom, also if you haven't sent that package yet, could you include some socks and maybe my NY Aero zip up hoodie please? I lost some socks while doing laudry and I forgot to pack a hoodie...but that's all right if you already sent the package. Thanks!
I love you all and miss you so much!
Yes seerum em dzez,
Kuyr Morreall (Kuyer or Kuyr...I've seen it spelled both ways.)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

# 2

Barev dzez Itsenak!

Hello family! Inch bes ek? How are you? Things here at the MTC have been busy. Our Greeks ( the missionaries in our zone going to Greece) left on Monday for Greece. It was a little sad saying goodbye, because they are such great people but I know they have bigger and better work to do in Greece. New missionaries going to Greece just reported yesterday. There are three elders (Elder Martinez from Spain, Elder Johansson from Sweden and Elder Mead from England) and two sisters (Sister Nilsson from Sweden and Sister Blanchard from England). The sisters moved into our room, so there are now six of us in a tiny dorm room. But we make it work! Elder Webb is still our zone leader and district leader. We also have a cool zone face that we make...we all pretend to growl like a doesn't sound that funny, but let me tell you it is pretty intimidating in gym.

The language has been coming along well. Kuyer Jack and I have been learning nominative, genetive, accusative and genetive cases and we have learned all the numbers and basic phrases for teaching lessons. Yesterday we had our fourth lesson with Artak our "investigator" (Brother White) and it was our first lesson without any notes. It was our best lesson thus far! We had him read from the Book of Mormon and we also committed him to baptism. Even though it was a mock discussion, the Spirit was so strong and I think it was because we had to rely on the Spirit to get our message across...since our Armenian is very broken. Kuyer Jack and I also teach well together. Although we basically have nothing in common outside of the gospel, we work well when teaching and bounce off each other.

Our teachers are awesome! Sister Crawford is so amazing. She reminds us daily that we can learn the language. Because she is a sister I feel like she can relate a little bit more to us and also gives us good advice for when we are in Armenia.

Brother Carlson is so cool. He is great at helping us to remember and memorize phrases or important key words we need to know. He is great at keeping a straight face and having us decide on our own what is the best approach to take when teaching/learning phrases for our lessons. Although, yesterday I was practicing saying "The Holy Ghost helps us to recognize the truth" and I accidentally said a bad word in Armenian...that I didn't know was a bad word. He tried so hard to keep a straight face,  but his eyes got really big and he covered his mouth and started laughing...he then said, "You just said the worst thing you could possibly say in Armenian." Well, at least I got that out of the way in the MTC and not in Armenia haha. Brother Carlson also told us a cool story yesterday about using simple phrases to teach. His mission president when he was a missionary told him a story about a missionary in Russia who was preaching on the street. It was his first day in the field and so all he could say was "book true" as he held up the Book of Mormon. With that simple message, many people on the street came to be taught the discussion and many were baptized. What an awesome story.

Brother White is a great teacher as well. He is kind of like the Ms. Phinney of missionary teachers. He challenges to work hard...harder than we think we can. At times he is a bit intimidating, but it just makes me want to work so hard and make him proud. I think he is mostly the reason why we learned the alphabet in so short of a time and why we were able to give our last lesson without notes all in Armenian. NO ENGLISH ALLOWED. It bites. But it helps us to improve on our Armenian! Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to learn the language. It is hard!

I have to admit, I thought adjusting to no phones, free computer time, music players would be hard, but it's really not. I never miss my phone and it's weird, but I don't find myself thinking/humming pop songs anymore. Maybe it's just becuase I've been so busy here. I don't even miss the's not that great. Some computer time is nice though. I'm so glad I can write home!

For Easter Sunday, Bishop Cuasse of the Presiding Bishopric and his wife, Sister Causse, spoke at the MTC. I was able to make it to the room they were in, instead of one of the overflows and it was awesome to be there in person. That was also the first time that the MTC has done a MTC-wide sacrament meeting. (Normally, you just do sacrament with your branch.) One thing that stuck out to me during that meeting was Elder Causse quoting Victor Hugo and said "Love is a celestial respiration of the air of paradise." Neat huh?

Later on Easter night, we had a devotional given by Shari Dew! She challenged us to read Doctrine and Covenants 138 and Abraham 3 and ask the Lord how he feels about us individually. After the devotional, I had the opportunity to attend a film of Elder Bednar's "Character of Christ" talk given at the MTC a few years ago. (I thought it was extra awesome because I had met him the Saturday before entering the MTC.) But anyway, you should all watch that if you get the chance! He talks a lot about how when going through trials we would turn inward and focus on ourselves, but when Christ went through trials, he turned outward and focused on others. For example, when on the cross, he didn't plead to be taken down, but instead he made sure that his mother would be taken care of.  Elder Bednar also said that the greatest convert on my mission should be that is what I am working on!

On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to go to a devotional by Elder Ringwood of the Quorum of the Seventy and his wife, Sister Ringwood. They talked about setting the world on fire with missionary work! (My district and I also like to think of that as bringing baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost to everyone.) They also talked a lot about how the most important of the Lord's work will be done in our own homes. They asked "You want to know how you can tell you're a good missionary?" The answer: "Your grandchildren will be faithful members of the church." At a district meeting after the devotional, Sister Ormsby brought up the quote by Gordon B. Hinckley about mothers who served missions raising a "royal priesthood generation." I can't remember the whole quote, but I thought it is so applicable especially with so many sisters serving now. It also reminded me of mom :) 

Ah I am so jealous...I mean excited that you all went to NYC! (I'm working on developing attributes of Christ, so I can't be jealous haha.) I hope you all had a fun time even though BYU lost. Keep me updated on everything you do! Trevor and Asia, how are practices going? How is school? Heffalump, be a good example to your friends :) Mom and Dad, how is the new office? Are you adjusted yet? I have not seen Jeff yet, but maybe I will. It was his birthday yesterday. Wish him a happy birthday for me! Can anyone tell me if Liz Jensen is in the Provo MTC or if her VISA was approved and she went to the Brazil MTC? I have been looking around for her. Also, I forgot to write down Tyler's address :( Asia, could you send me kindle buddy's mission home address please? Also, I forgot a hoodie, flip flops for the disgusting bathroom floor and a camera cord to upload pictures. If you could send any of those, that would be lovely, but they're not essential so don't worry if you're not able to. Well, my time is winding down, but I love and miss you all!

Yes seerum em! Yes geetem Jesus Christosi seerum a!
Kuyer Morreall

P.S. LETTERS/DEAR ELDERS WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!! I get dear elders on the same day you send that's awesome. Love you!

**Note from Mom**
We need to send out her camera cord ASAP for her to download pictures!
Thursday will be her p-day (prep day to do laundry, write letters, etc.) while in the MTC, so hopefully we'll hear from her every week.