Thursday, May 23, 2013

# 9

Dear family,

Barev dzez! This week has been another great week! I'm grateful to end my stay here at the MTC on such a good note.

Last Thursday was like the typical Prep-day...temple, laundry, TRC. Sister Jack and I did have lunch with the Redlands though (the senior couple coming to Armenia in June). We practiced speaking with them and have gotten to know them well. They are so nice! It's funny because they both served Spanish speaking missions before, so when they can't remember an Armenian word, they just replace it with a Spanish one instead haha. They are awesome! Later, Aaron and Isaac came to TRC and Sister Jack and I gave a lesson on the different ways God answers our prayers. The lesson went well and they were able to feel the Spirit. After TRC, Brother White had us practice teaching the First Lesson so that we could go over and touch up any language issues that we are having.

Friday was awesome! In the morning class, we had a great discussion with Brother Carlson about faith. Sister Jack then taught us a lesson from the Book of Mormon. Afterwards, we mostly focused on language. When Brother White taught, we went over the rest of the First Lesson and practiced more language. We are really trying to fine tune the language and make sure that we don't make silly mistakes for going too fast or not thinking about what we're saying. They key is just slowing down and really think about what we want the investigator to get out of what we are saying. We also went over the Law of Tithing, Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity. Brother White came to lunch with us. It was awesome! I love when the teachers come to lunch with us. We get to talk with them in Armenian when we eat and it is a great reminder to SYL while outside of class. At night, my district had a testimony meeting. Holy smokes...let me just say there are some powerful people in my district...they all have such strong testimonies! I learn and grow from every single person every day.

On Saturday, I hurt my thumb again in gym...but it's all right's still not 100%, but I'm getting along with it. Guess what? I also saw Jeff again! We were able to talk for a while before Sister Jack and I went to lunch. It has been great seeing him at the MTC. After lunch, we taught Hovo (Brother White) and the lesson went well. I really like teaching Hovo. He is very interested in the church and loves reading the Bible and Book of Mormon. He has good questions too. We are trying to help him realize the power of the Holy Ghost though and how he can keep the Sabbath Day holy (he works on Sundays). Later, we had a zone activity where Sister Jack and I were able to teach Brother Hall (one of the Greek teachers). It was fun switching things up for a bit and practicing teaching other teachers. Brother Carlson then came to dinner with us after the zone activity and then we planned for the rest of the week during class time. We also had a great discussion on having faith and looking towards the Savior at all times. He brought up the story of Peter walking on water and as soon as he started to doubt and look away from the Savior, he began to sink. But the Savior reached out his hand as soon as Peter asked for help. He will do that with us as well. We just need to ask. Brother Carlson asked us "Have you ever prayed for Christ to save you?" and I thought about it and I don't think I really ever have asked that specifically. I challenge the family to ask for that in your prayers this week!

Sunday was great as always! Robin Bonham of the General Relief Society Board spoke for Relief Society. Mary Edmunds spoke for the Sunday night fireside as well. She talked about choosing righteousness. I love her personality! She is so fun to listen to...for example she kept referring to Lucifer (Satan) as "whats his no face." Get it? Haha maybe it's just this MTC humor that made it seem so funny... Anyway, after the devotional I had the chance to watch a video on the life of Thomas S. Monson. I feel like it was perfect timing with Sister Monson passing away. I've never had a greater appreciation for Thomas S. Monson.

On Monday we taught Samvel for the last time. We also had a great discussion with Brother Carlson about the Holy Ghost and sanctification. Later, we taught Marina. Both our lessons went well.

Tuesday was a busy day! Brother White taught us and he shared some emails from missionaries out in the field. It was so great hearing about their experiences. I can't wait to experience all of that for myself. After, we taught Hovo and the lesson didn't go as well as we planned. We ended up going in different directions, but it's okay because Brother White discussed with us how to follow the Spirit and not get divided in a lesson. I love discussions with our teachers. I learn so much from them. For the devotional that night, Elder Marcus B. Nash of the 70 spoke to us on the atonement. One of my favorite devotionals so far! I really gained a greater testimony of Christ as my Savior.

Wednesday was by far the best day so far. Sister Jack and I were kind of stressed out about teaching Gago again. (Yes, that's right. We were only supposed to teach him once, but since we had a melt down the first time, Brother Carlson wanted us to re-do it.) We were so worried about reaching out to him and helping him feel loved. But the lesson went so well! We "made him cookies," talked to him about the atonement, prayed for him and bore testimony....Mom, I started crying during my testimony. I just wanted him to feel loved so bad! Brother Carlson told us after "I hope you learned more how to love. Love people to death." After the lesson, we talked about how it went with Brother Carlson and he said that he thought we did really well! Sister Crawford taught us later and she said that Brother Carlson wrote in the blog that our lesson was "incredible". We also taught Marina and Sister Crawford said that it was the best Chastity lesson we've given so far. Sister Crawford also said something I loved..."Lessons learned are never time wasted." So true!

So tomorrow is in-field orientation...that will be interesting. I am excited to learn more! Also, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has sent packages and letters to me! I appreciate all of your support!

So how is the family? I miss you all so much!

Fun Armenian facts: They blink both eyes when they want to say hello...Brother Carlson told us that they blink at you on the stand when you give talks haha.

If you sneeze, they say "It must be true."...So hopefully I will be teaching about the restoration or something when I sneeze...then they will have to believe it! haha

Anyway, I have to go but I love you!!

**Note from Mom**

Thursday, May 16, 2013

# 8

Dear Family,

How are you all doing this week? Thanks for all of your letters this week! Mom, I am glad to hear that you had a good Mother's Day!

Last Thursday, Sister Jack and I were very busy for Prep day. She (along with Sister Bates and Sister Cloward) auditioned for a musical number for the Nallys (MTC Presidency). We went to the temple afterwards. Later in the day, we had TRC and the Redlands (a senior couple going to Armenia in June) came. They are so friendly and have picked up the language pretty quickly! Every now and then they come to the MTC for lunch so that Sister Jack and I can practice speaking with them.

On Friday, in class we discussed the difference between discouragement and disappointment with Brother Carlson. It's important not to ever be discouraged because progression and work stops. Sometimes disappointment comes when things don't go as expected, but never let that cause you to become discouraged! With Brother White, we discussed the difference between Christ's path and Satan's path and the result of us choosing Christ's path (aka coming to Earth). We had an excellent discussion!

 Saturday was busy in that we taught Hovo (Brother White) and Marina (Sister Crawford). The lessons went well and Sister Jack and I are continually evaluating what we did well in the lessons and what we need to improve on. Saturday was also our zone activity. We were split up from our companion and grouped with different members of our zone and we practiced teaching with boldness.

Sunday was great! Sister Jack and I trained the new missionaries in the morning and I also ran into my friend from BYU, Ben Black. Janice Kapp Perry (song writer) spoke for Relief Society. She has written many of my favorite songs including "Army of Helaman", "Sisters in Zion", "A Child's Prayer", "I Belong To The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", "I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus", "Love is Spoken Here", and "I Love To See the Temple". She wrote a new song called "The Sisters of Zion" (to the tune of "As Sisters in Zion") just for all of the new sister missionaries. It will be coming out on CD shortly. But she let us sing it for the first time ever and it was so awesome!!! One of the lines in the song which I loved is "We go forth enlisted with Helaman's Army"...yeah, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. After Relief Society, I was able to meet Sister Perry which was neat. Sunday night there was a fireside with Shane Littlefield and his wife, Amy. They spoke on obedience and used examples from the Stripling Warriors in Alma who obeyed with exactness and "did not doubt for their mothers knew it." They listened to their moms! What a great fireside for Mother's Day! We were able to sit with Elder Calderwood for the fireside and I was able to say goodbye to Elder Gosper as well (who is in Arizona now). After, Sister Jack and I were able to watch "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration"...reminded me of New York since they play it at the Palmyra Visitors' Center sometimes.

 Monday, was very long. We started off the day planning our lesson for Marina, but we weren't feeling like we should teach her anything specific. Brother Carlson changed all of our plans and we didn't even practice Armenian or do anything else for the class period...we just planned for Marina. It was a good lesson for us....we learned how to receive revelation and guidance from the Spirit and our lesson with Marina later turned out well! She asked us many questions and for one question I wasn't completely sure what she was saying but I just answered it to the best of my ability and it turns out that was exactly what she wanted/needed to hear!

Tuesday, we taught Hovo the Word of Wisdom lesson. He had a lot of questions and we were able to answer them fairly well with scriptures from the Book of Mormon and Bible.  Hovo is an investigator who loves reading the Bible, so we spend more time discussing the Bible and Book of Mormon and how they support each other with him. We try to use scriptures from both as we teach. And it was the first time we had taught the Word of Wisdom ever so it went pretty well! Later Tuesday night, I sang in the choir...we sang "Come Thou Fount" which is becoming a favorite hymn of mine. Guess who also spoke at the devotional? Russell M. Nelson (Quorum of the Twelve Apostles) and his wife, Wendy. They spoke about families and, in particular, ancestors. They talked about genealogy and how it is important to know our family history. Mom could you send me some stories of our ancestors if you can? I know a few about my grandpas and great-grandmas, but not a ton. One thing the Nelsons also said that struck me was they told the missionaries to pray for our ancestors and to pray for help and for attributes from specific ancestors. Heavenly Father will send them to help us and they along with our investigator's ancestors will help us teach investigators. Cool huh? Angels are always around to help us.

Yesterday, Sister Jack and I taught Hovik, a "mini" investigator (we only get to teach him once). The lesson went well, but he was very distracted and at the end we didn't end up asking him to be baptized, which was unfortunate. We are going to work on teaching and removing distractions from the lessons. After the lesson, we practiced street contacting and I had an interview with Brother Carlson and we reviewed my progress since being at the MTC. Later, Sister Crawford read 4th Nephi with us and we discussed unity. We also taught Marina and the lesson went well. We are coming along with our investigators and they are continuing to progress well! Yesterday, we also got 14 new missionaries in our zone, 12 elders, 2 sisters. Our zone now has 51 missionaries covering Armenia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Greece, Indonesia and Madagascar. It's awesome! Yesterday, Sister Jack and I also ran into an Armenian was his first day here at the MTC and so we talked with him for a bit and practiced our Armenian on him. Guess where he is going on his mission? New York! We are just trading places haha. During volleyball I also jammed my finger and couldn't move it. I thought I might have "jersey finger" like dad did, but I am able to move it more today, so we'll see.

Today, I saw Brennon Nelson, a friend from EFY going to Mexico. I love seeing people I's great that so many missionaries are here now! Sister Jack and I also went to the temple and I got my haircut since I will be leaving in less than two weeks! I don't have my travel plans yet, but I will email you when I do. Also, I will call Mom's cell phone when I'm in the airport.

Anyway, I love and miss you all! How was Spring Break? When does school get out for you, Trev and Asia? Any plans for the summer? How is mutual? What are you learning in Young Men and Young Women? I sure love and miss you all!

Kuyr Morreall

** Note from Mom**

Misa got her itinerary!  She leaves Monday the 27th, stops at Dulles in Washington, D.C., then flies to Austria before arriving in Armenia!  

Army of Helaman/stripling warriors:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

# 7


First and most important, HAPPY EARLY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! Mom, thanks for being the greatest mom ever! I appreciate all your love and support throughout my life. I know I wouldn't be on a mission if it wasn't for your example and for your love for the gospel. Thank you for teaching me the gospel while I was young. I have been blessed to grow up knowing it. You are such an awesome woman. Strong, loving and caring. Thanks for all of the funny moments, comforting me when I was sad, teaching me at a young age to work hard, and for helping me become the person I am today. I love you! I hope you have a great Mother's Day! If you have the chance you should watch "Mother: An Eternal Partnership With God" and "Mothers and Daughters" on if you can :)

So this week was pretty much the same as always...with a few highlights of course!

Thursday, I went to the temple which I always mention just because I love it. But other than that we had TRC and taught Aaron and Sage. They had some really great advice for me and Sister Jack. Sister Jack and I have been trying on working at the language and have been in the habit of posing everything as a question (probably because we're not sure if what we're saying all the time is 100% right), but Sage told us to try confidently. We've been working on just being more confident as we speak this past week. After TRC, Brother Carlson talked to us about people's love for and commitment to the gospel. He shared some really awesome stories from Armenia that unfortunately would take too long for me to write. But they were very uplifting for me and Sister Jack and we are even more excited to go out and serve!

Friday, we had intensive language study in the morning. Sometimes, I sit there and think there is no way I am going to remember all of this stuff. But as a I practice it I find it becomes easier and I remember the language rules better. In the afternoon class we had a Culture Night, one of the best experiences here at the MTC!! All three of my teachers came in and talked to us about Armenian history. We mostly talked about traditions within the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Armenian Genocide. Most Armenians believe in God, but they don't know or understand Christ's atonement or why they do some of the things they do in their church. The Armenian people are also tough. They are a people that have been conquered by many empires throughout time. The Armenian Genocide is still a current topic to them today. It was so horrible and it's so sad to think that it isn't recognized by most countries (including the US) today. It's reported that the Armenian Genocide is where Hitler got some of his ideas for the extermination of the Jews. After realizing all of the suffering that these people have gone through, Sister Jack and I just basically had a melt down. How are we supposed to teach these people that God loves them and that he can help them if we haven't experienced what they have? I have no idea what they are going through. As dad would say, it's "the charmed life of Misa Morreall." I just really am striving to come closer to Christ because he knows what these people have gone through and can help me understand and help them.

Saturday, we taught Samvel and Marina...both of our lessons were smooth and they both felt the Spirit strongly. Later, we had a zone activity and got together as a zone and the teachers in our zone talked to us about SYLing more. Then we picked what class we wanted to go to learn more. Sister Jack and I decided to going to the extending commitments class where we discussed who to invite others to act upon what they are being taught and invite them to keep commitments. After that class we had volleyball and here's the funny moment of the day...I went to bump the ball but as it came closer to me I realized it was coming right for my head so I backed up to hit it away, but it just hit me anyway and I fell back in the sand...I wouldn't have told you this story, but my zone thought it was hilarious and told me to tell you that I looked there you go!

Sunday, Sister Jack and I were asked to be the online trainers. We basically teach and monitor the missionaries who complete their assessments online and make sure they submit their weekly letters to the Branch President. Then we had Mission Conference and heard from the MTC Presidency. Afterwards, in Sacrament Brother Laney was released and we got a new 2nd counselor in the Branch Presidency. I was sad to see President Laney go because he knows so much about the gospel and can recite ever scripture from memory. It's awesome! He also told me I remind him of his daughter-in-law which was really sweet. But I am excited to get to know the new 2nd counselor, Brother Mangum. His wife is from Maine and was super excited to find out I was from New York (yay East Coast)! Later, on the temple walk I ran into Elder Gosper (Dalton) again and talked with him for a bit. It's always great running into people from home. At the fireside, Chad Lewis, former BYU football player and Philadelphia Eagles player, and his wife spoke. He was so awesome! He spoke about how as missionaries we are like as the Stripling Warriors...we were taught by our mothers what is right and now we are acting on it. Others will be blessed because of our actions.

                                                       Familiar face from home (with Dalton -Elder Gosper).

Monday, we taught Gago (brother Carlson) was a one time thing. We tried teaching him about the atonement...but he was super hard and we didn't get anywhere. Afterwards, Sister Jack and I just felt the same way we did after culture night. How are we supposed to teach these type of people? Brother Carlson told us about the struggles in Gago's life that he had but that the missionaries told him that they loved him and that God loved him too. He then told us that he knew of a sister who put on her mission papers that she wanted to be sent to the hardest mission in the world. Guess where she got sent? Armenia. I'm not saying that's why she got sent to Armenia...but from what I've heard it's not a piece of cake being a missionary over there. To help lift our spirits, Brother Carlson suggested we read "Beauty for Ashes," a talk by Bruce C. Hafen. I loved it!!! Mom, could you dearelder me that talk please? My day was also brightened when I received a package from home. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Tuesday, we taught Hovo and it was a decent started off kind of rocky but Brother White said that we saved it at the end which is good! At the devotional, Eduardo (of the 70) and Norma Gavarett spoke to us on the plan of salvation, repentance and the atonement. I definitely will use some aspects of their talks in my future lessons.

On Wednesday, we taught Samvel and Marina and the lessons were okay. Could have been better, could have been worse. We are still working on ways to improve how we teach. Mom and Dad, any suggestions or tips for me? I also gave a half hour long lesson in Armenian to Brother Carlson and Sister Jack. Sister Jack and I are talking turns teaching from the Book of Mormon and it was my turn this time. I chose to discuss Mosiah 4:1-9 where King Benjamin is talking to his people. He focuses on the atonement and, specifically in verse 9, believing in Christ. I related that to how I need to utilize the atonement and become "at one" with Christ because in Him I can do all things, which includes teaching people that have much greater struggles than I do. Later in the day, 22 new missionaries arrived and were put into our zone (20 elders, 2 sisters). They are going to Indonesia with three different languages in their mission! Awesome, huh?! So our zone just went from 15 people to 27 people and Sister Jack and I will be helping them with their assessments this Sunday. It is going to be a busy next couple of weeks...that's right...couple! I only have 2 1/2 weeks left! I should be getting my itinerary soon so I will let you know that when I get it. I will be able to call at the airport.

Until then, Heavenly Father sure has been  blessing me...I always run into people I know: MacKenzie Peay, Rachael Boody, Heather Willoghby, Liz Jensen, Ellie Ott, Dalton Gosper, Brittany Beck, Kaden Calderwood, Fran Djouken, Bryce Capener, Autumn Cadd and Abby Luthi are all here! I feel so blessed to be serving with all of them at the same time and I know Heavenly Father will be watching out for all of us.

So how are all of you doing? CONGRATS TREVOR FOR DOING AWESOME AT DOUBLEDAY FIELD IN COOPERSTOWN!!!! Just keep striking them out 1,2,3 and you'll be all set bud :) Mini me, how is softball? And school? And boys...and wait, did I say that? Yeah, I did. Mom, could you send me a picture of the house too? Everyone in the zone has one and I want to show everyone where I live haha. Also, volleyball when I score a point I say "Boom Shakalaka." Making you proud.

Anyway, I love you all!!!!

Yes seerum em dzez!


**note from Mom**

Motherhood video: 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

# 6

Dear family,

This week was tough. Probably the toughest week I've had since being here at the MTC.  I just feel like I've hit a plateau with the language and I can't fit anymore Armenian into my head. On top of that, Sister Jack has been sick this week and we just haven't been as unified. But luckily, the past couple of days have been better. Sister Jack has been feeling better, and we have been able to plan more and be on the same page.

Last Prep-day, my zone went to the temple and we were lucky enough to help Sister Blanchard (the English Sister going to Greece) to some temple work for her family members. Later in the day, we had TRC and Lance and Maggie came. We taught two lessons on Revelation through the Book of Mormon. Our first lesson, Sister Jack and I were not unified really at all. I think we just wanted different outcomes from the lesson, but the second lesson was far better. We talked about how we can improve our unity as a companionship. Sometimes we both want to teach good lessons, but it's just a matter of deciding what we want to teach based on what the Spirit directs.

Friday, we taught Samvel (Brother Carlson) and the lesson went well...I think it was because we had our talk about unity. Then for the next class we went to class with Sister Bates (going to Lithuania). We talked about teaching to people's needs and we role played. I love role playing as an investigator. It helps put me in their shoes. After that activity, we went with Brother White and practiced teaching, but Sister Jack started to not feel well and we left early to go back to the dorms. On our way back, guess who I ran into? Elder Calderwood (Kaden)!!!! He had just gotten to the MTC on Thursday and he was outside with his zone studying. We talked for a few minutes about the MTC, New York (his parents are mission presidents in NYC now), Russia and Armenia. It was so awesome to run into him.

Saturday, we hit our month mark!! We also moved back into 10 M (our old building) I no longer see Sister Jensen (Liz) everyday which is kind of a bummer. But on the bright side, we have all of our Armenian things again and our classroom just feels like a holy place to us, so it's pretty great to be back in our original room. We taught Marina (Sister Crawford) for the first time and the lesson went all right. We had less time to plan because Sister Jack was sick and we thought we were going to teach Hovo (Brother Whire), but we still got to know her and talked to her about the importance of the Book of Mormon. Afterwards, Sister Crawford interviewed me just to see how I was doing. We set goals and I plan to study more in depth during personal study. I also want to work at learning and remembering all of the different tenses, cases and moods in Armenian (since there are basically a billion of them)...and I want to push past this little plateau I'm on and keep progressing in the language. Later in the day, Brother Carlson taught us and I had probably the strongest spiritual experience at the MTC so far. I think he could tell that we were having a bit of a rough week, so he shared a personal experience from his mission with us at the end of class. By the end of his story, Sister Jack and I were holding back tears. I think he could tell we were about to cry so he said "I'm not very good at sharing experiences and then leaving..." and then he grabbed all of his stuff and then walked out the door. Haha...but it really made me think about why I decided to come on a mission and to just try my best to do what Heavenly Father would have me do. I already have so much love for the Armenian people and I can't wait to love them even more when I get to Armenia!

On Sunday I was told that the previous night I was sleep talking in Armenian...what the? Why haven't I been able to speak Armenian like that during the day this week?! Oh well, I must have been dreaming about teaching a lesson or something haha. Elder Johansson (the Swede going to Greece, just called as our new zone leader) asked me to say the opening prayer for Sacrament Meeting. I said "Sure, as long as it gets me out of a talk, right?" No. The Branch Presidency announced that Sister Suttner and I would be giving talks on enduring to the end. What's funny though is that we actually called it...we both just felt like we were going to give talks so we prepared. I hope you don't mind Asia, but I told your second base story ;) and related it to enduring to the end haha. I got many compliments on it, so I thought I'd let you know :) During our temple walk, I ran into Elder Calderwood again and we got a couple of pictures (which I'll send when the camera cord comes). Then, we went to the fireside which Stephen B. Allen (Managing Director of the Missionary Department) spoke at. He said one thing I just kept thinking about the rest of the night: "Let there be no confusion, Elders and Sisters, we are at war with Satan." It's so true. Satan knows missionaries represent Christ and so he'll try to get us to do anything and disobey. But I also was thinking about just how in general Satan disguises things and makes them seem good or not harmful. I'm just really blessed to have been raised in righteousness by you, Mom and Dad, and that I know right from wrong.

Monday was rough. We started a new schedule so all of my meal times are pushed back later and we have class and study time with no breaks during the day. And gym is way later at night practically. Sister Jack and I figured out that we spend about 10-11 hours a day in our room with no breaks (except for meals) with our new schedule. It's good in that we have a lot of time to study consistently, but at the same time I feel like I retain less because it isn't spaced review. Brother Carlson taught us about the importance of getting investigators to go to church. We can teach them as much as we can, but it's ultimately up to them to come to church and gain a testimony for themselves. We discussed 1 Nephi 13...maybe you can discuss that chapter for Family Home Evening this week? Tell me what you learn!

Tuesday during our time for assessments on the computer, I finished early and was able to watch a few Mormon messages. I LOVED THE ONE CALLED "EARTHLY FATHER, HEAVENLY FATHER." It's probably my favorite Mormon Message I've seen. Please look it up and watch it! It had me thinking of all that our Father in Heaven has done for us, and for what you (Mom and Dad) have done for me. After that, we had a lesson with Hovo (Brother Carlson) and we did some more role play. I love those types of days where I can practice teaching but also put myself in an investigator's shoes. Later, my zone in the devotional which Elder Allen F. Packer of the Seventy spoke at. (His grandson just got his mission call to Utica, NY!) Anyway, he spoke about our role as missionaries to unite and teach families. It seems like the theme this week has been families. I started to feel a little homesick.. But I love that he said that we inherit traits from our Heavenly Father and Mother. I thought of how we are all of divine nature and how everyone has the opportunity to become like our Heavenly Parents.

Wednesday was another rough day at the beginning. I have just been so exhausted from our new schedule. Our whole zone was definitely feeling it. Sister Jack and I also taught three lessons in one day, which I know isn't a big deal in the mission field, but with the week we were having it was hard. Brother Carlson also said something in class that we could have related to Samvel when we taught him. He said "Heavenly Father sent us to our parents because he knew that we could take care of them and He entrusted our parents with us." Again, I thought about you guys and almost had a mini meltdown from feeling homesick. Luckily, as I was thinking about home I ran into Elder Gosper (Dalton)!!! He barely arrived at the MTC and hadn't even gotten his luggage to go to his room yet. We were able to talk for a bit. I think Heavenly Father just knew I needed some comfort and a familiar face from home. Gym time was also exceptional...our zone definitely bonded and let out our stress during volleyball.

Hopefully, this upcoming week will be much better!! Thanks for your letters!! I especially loved your letter Trev. I miss talking with you all of the time. But congrats on your SAT scores!! Holy smokes, you genius! Keep up the hard work with school! Asia, I miss you and I miss our random singing/dance parties...the music here at the MTC isn't quite the same and for some reason no one wants to have dance parties. haha just kidding.

I miss you all and I look forward to your letters everyday! Thanks for updating me about Boston, the family, and the elders back home! (That's a bummer Elder Borgia is transferring, but way awesome that Elder Done is coming back!) I keep in touch with them via email if I can and they definitely love serving in Binghamton.

I love you all!

Kuyr Morreall

**from Mom**