Monday, August 25, 2014

# 72

Dear President, 

This week I've truly been able to see the blessings that Heavenly Father has in store for me, this mission and Armenia. It has been incredible to see.

We had four baptisms this week (the family of 3 women and a long time investigator). All of the baptisms went very well...we missed you and Ssiter C. Please tell Sister C thank you for the little cameo and magnet for our little family, they loved it! The little girl wouldn't stop playing with it after the baptism. It was very sweet. All four were confirmed at church and gave very nice testimonies. I feel like the testimonies of my investigators from when I first started teaching them until now are a reflection of my testimony of the Savior at the beginning of my mission until now. It has grown. I feel like I have more meaning and power behind the words I say now. I hope this doesn't sound weird, but I think I bear my testimony better in Armenian now than I do in English...

Anyway, one of the women (the one who is pregnant) was very sick on her baptisal date and when she got confirmed (they took her to the hospital afterwards), but I was so impressed that she wanted to be baptized and confirmed so bad that she came despite everything!

This week we've worked a lot with the Stake regarding sending short term missionaries out. We have I think 6 going out this week with sisters, just for about 5 days. They will be sent to Center, Hrazdan, Gyumri, Malatia, Vanadzor and Charenstavan. The Charenstavan sisters weren't so excited when we told them the news, but I think that having an Armenian with them will help them a lot with their member work and also in speaking Armenian with each other on the streets. 

We had an exchange with Artashat sisters this week. On my end, it seemed like things were going well with the companionship. I talked to Sister T about planning and making sure that she has goals and specific things she wants to accomplish for the day. Of course it is always important to follow the Spirit, but the Spirit loves a schedule! We also talked about helping Sister L to formulate a language study plan. I found out after the exchange that she does have a language plan and that they could tighten up on a few areas regarding obedience. (Sister B said Sister L was pretty open with her about some things.) So we will be following up withthe sisters regarding planning, nightly prayer, OYMing, and a language study plan. Sister T said she was open with you about what happened when they went to Vernasage a few weeks ago, but I talked to her about making sure she is obedient to the white handbook and they it doesn't interfere with her missionary work again. Overall, it was a good exchange and she was very happy (like always)!

We're planning on heading to Gerogia this week to go on exchanges with Sisters P and C to discuss planning and see how they are doing. We are also hoping to meet with Sisters B and S for a little bit before heading back down Thursday night. If there is anything we can do to help them, please let us know.

This week in studies I studied a lot from Alma 4 and 5. I just love how Alma says that the only way to point the people back to Christ is by "bearing down in pure testimony". He then talks about having authority and power from Goid and then poceeds to just testify and the whole city is changed! Peoples hearts are opened and changed. I know that I need to work on strengthing my testimony by sharing it more frequently (notjust with investigators, but with members and missionaries alike). I'm making it a goal this week to work on that and I will let you know any experiences I have next week.

Thank you so much for all that you do! I love you and Sister C so much!

Sister Morreall

Monday, August 18, 2014

# 71

Monday, August 11, 2014

# 70

Dear President,

Holy miracles! This week was full of them. Sister B and I for the last few weeks have really been focusing on President Bennett's and Elder Bednar's counsel. We've implimented their counsel into the work by setting weekly goals and we've seen huge improvement with the area! We've mostly been focusing on inviting, promising and testifying, finding people in between lessons, asking for refferals, focusing on finding families and calls of love. And our area has seen great growth! It's nothing that we haven't done before, but I feel like teh blessings are comng because we've been trying to show the Lord improvement and made steps to be better in all of these areas.

Our 13 year old investigator and her father came to church together! The father was very nice and seemed to really enjoy church. He couldn't stay the whole time because he had work, but we called them after church and scheduled an appointment to meet with them this week. Ideally, we want to meet with the whole family together and teach them all, so we are working towards that. But hopefully we can at least get a new baptismal date for the daughter. 

We are also working with three women (55 year old, 22 year old and an 8 year old). All three are progressing very well. They came to church. They read together in a little study group everyday from the scriptures. The two oldest are also weining themselves off of coffee which seems to be going well. Their only concern is that their husbands won't let them be baptized...but we were able to get in contact with the husbands and talked to them for a bit about our puspose. I think their hearts were softened a bit. They were very nice towards us and respected our work as missionaries. Our investigators are going to ask again about baptism this week.

We are also working with an older lady whose granddaughter comes with her to the lessons. She has been in contact wit the church for about 10 years and is ready to be baptized. She has no Word of Wisdom problems and we just helped her start back into readign the Book of Mormon. Hopefully she will be baptized at the end of the month. 

We are also working with one of our neighbors (she lives across the hall from us)! She was curious about what we believe, so we went over one day and taught her a little bit about the Restoration. Her mother is sick, so she wasn't able to make it to church, but we are going to schedule a time to meet with her and help her start reading from the Book of Mormon. 

We are also working with a member's mom (and the member's eight year old son) to help them be prepared for baptism together by teh end of the month. The member's mom has no Word of Wisdom problems either, but has trouble reading because of eyesight so we are hopiong to set up a reading group where her grandkids will read to her from the Book of Mormon. 

We also met with a husband and wife that we met on the street. We established expectations and did How To Begin Teachings and then extended baptismal dates to them. There date is in September. I'm excited to start working with them!

As far as ward goals, I think we have around 10 baptisms for the year (out of forty), we (as sisters) hope to have at least 6 more this transfer (if not more).

Thank you for your update on the Charensavan sisters. We actually contacted the zone leaders and district leader this morning to see how the sisters were doing. We are going to go on an exchange with them this Wednesday . We plan on focusing on working with ward members and showing our love to the sisters. If there is anything you would like us to know beforehand, please give us a call! 

Sister B is so amazing. She's really brought new life to Ajapnyak. Because she's always asking questions and wanting to improve, we've been able to do some fun things in our lessons to help teach investigators. (She's really good at using analogies and examples!) We also decided this week that we were going to "hear tattack" our Bishop and the Stake President's family by leaving cut out hearts on their doors and leaving banana bread on their doorstep. They really enjoyed it and it's really strengthened our already good relationship with's even better!

Today I was reading in Mosiah chapter 5 and these verses really caught my eye: (v. 11-12) "And I would that ye should remember also, that this is the name that I said I should give unto you that never should be blotted out, except it be through transgression; therefore, take heed that ye do not transgress, that the name be not blotted out of your hearts. I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to retain the name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you." I was thinking about how this applies to missionary work and just how everything we do in missionary work is centered on Jesus Christ. That as we do what he would do, and do it how he does it, we truly take upon ourselves His name. Yes, it's true we all wear nametags with his name on it, but I want to be the type of person that has His name and His being written on my soul...on my being. I want to be familiar enough with Him so that I can hear Him when he calls and recognize Him when I see Him. Now and after this life. That's what we are helping others to do. To take upon Christ's name and to become like Him through coming to know Him.

I'm grateful to be here in Armenia doing the Lord's work. There is no other place I'd rather be than here right now. Thank you for caring so much about me and the missionaries individually. I always feel like I can always be open with you and Sister C about anything. Thank you for trust, your example and your love!

Sister Morreall

Monday, August 4, 2014

# 69

Dear President,

We had an incredible week this week! So many miracles. Sister B and I have been focusing on finding families and asking referrals from EVERYONE. Literally everyone. We were blessed with answers to our prayers this week. Many of our ward members, including our Bishop and members we have been working with for a long time, introduced us to many of their friends who want to be baptized. We were able to invite them to church and to meet with them and pick them up as investigators. A few have met with the missionaries before, but just decided now that they want to be baptized. It was truly a blessing and a faith builder to me. I think we picked up 6 new investigators this week and have a few uncontacted referrals that we are trying to meet with. Many members have offered their homes to meet in too.  We are excited to begin teaching these new investigators and to give them baptismal dates. 

We've been working with a grandmother of a member family. They are hopefully going to be baptized together on Auguest 26th to complete a family. The grandma is a little worried if she'll make it because of her health, but Sister B's story of the grandma who got baptized with three priesthood holders really reassured our investigator that it will be okay!

We are also working on the mother whose girls are in Georgia. She has potential to be baptized whenever she decides, we're just waiting on her decision. We don't want to force her, so we've been just talking about the blessings of baptism so she comes to a decision on her own. We're trying to strengthen her up by helping her increase her Book of Mormon study and prayers. 

The Stake President and a member friend met with the 13 year old's dad this week. He wants her to hold off on baptism. He said that she can still meet with us and come to church, so we will continue to teach her. We invited the whole family to church next week, so hopefully the dad will come and his heart will soften so his daughter (and hopefully even his wife) will be baptized. 

We heard that Sister Ba is struggling a little bit in finding joy in working in her area right now. She said it has been a little hard finding her way around the area and trying to fill their day with people to see. So we have been giving her calls lately to see how she's doing and we will proabbly go on an exchange next week to see how she is doing. Hopefully Zone Meeting tomorrow will give her a boost. 

I had a unique experience on Sunday. I woke up feeling very peaceful, which for me isn't exactly normal since we get up and get straight to work and most of the time I have a million things running through my head. But nothing seemed to weigh on me. During the sacrament ordinance, I had a silent but strong confirmation that my work here in Armenia is acceptable to my Heavenly Father. I don't know why it came to me then or why I needed it then, but I felt that. It was a such a tender mercy to me to know that my Father knows me and he knows the work I'm doing here. I know for the rest of my mission, that no matter who gets baptized or who accepts the gospel message, it's okay because I've been trying my best, even though I'm imperfect. It's enough.

I'm grateful that you and Sister C have been such strong examples to me of always being happy and letting the Lord do His work. I'm grateful for your love.

I love you both so much!

Have a great week!
Sister Morreall