Sunday, March 31, 2013

# 1

Barev dzez family!
Inchesbes ek? How are you? My prep days are on Thursdays, so today was special because the Branch President (President Mickelsen) let the missionaries in my district email our families to let them know we made it safe and sound! 

Anyway, my companion is Sister Jack. She is from St. George, Utah and has traveled all around the world. She is fluent in Spanish...although it doesn't help learning Armenian! Sister Bezdjian and Sister Suttner are the sisters in my mission going to Georgia. They are crazy fun! And I LOVE my district! We have 9 sisters, 4 companionships and 1 solo sister. Guess how many elders? One. Elder Webb...automatically the District Leader. Our district is awesome encompasses missionaries serving in Armenia, Georgia, Latvia and Lithuania. Our zone includes the missionaries going to Greece and Iceland. Our zone leaders are from Latvia and Russia and are serving in Greece. Our coordinating sister, Sister Rapp is from Norway and also serving in Greece! She is the cutest thing ever! Always so kind to everyone and she has been teaching us some phrases in random languages. We are learning phrases in Norwegian, Greek, and Swedish.

My time at the MTC so far has been spent mostly learning the language. Sister Jack and I are almost done with the alphabet (39 letters) and have started basic conversations and many church words. We have three teachers,  Sister Crawford, Brother White and Brother Carlson. They are seriously the best! They make learning fun and they explain the concepts really well. Today, we had our first appointment and discussion with Artak (Brother White). We discussed Heavenly Father and prayer. It was only a seven minute long lesson, but not bad for our second full day right? Anyway, I have to go to district prayer because Elder Webb is watching over my shoulder now. But I love you all!!! Shnorakalutyuan for all that you do for me! I'd love to get letters!

Love you!
Kuyer Morreall :)

* * NOTE FROM MOM * * 
A district comprises the group of people who will be in Misa's classroom every day.
A zone is made up of several districts, or classrooms in this case.
The appointment and discussion she mentioned is a role play scenario for the missionaries to practice conversations.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Misa's Adventure Begins . . .

Misa was thrilled to be able to see so many friends before she reported to the Missionary Training Center (MTC).  On Wednesday, March 27th, her Auntie Cheryl took her to say goodbye to her Grandma in Murray, Utah.  

They went to lunch . . .

and then drove to the MTC in Provo.

                                                        "Don't worry.  She's in good hands."
As she will be learning the Armenian language and preparing to serve, she'll be studying in the MTC for two months, then it's off to the Armenia Yerevan mission for 16 months!  

She is now officially "Sister" Morreall.  We're going to miss her so much!  

- Misa's Mom