Dear President,

This week was a good week. I think you summed it up best in your letter by saying that things are progressing, but there are definitely quite a few challenges. 

Our guardian puppy who follows us around after appointments until we make it home. He waits for us between appointments and stops scary people from approaching us.

We were finally able to meet with the single mother (who has been busy taking care of a sick grandfather) and tried setting up a time for her baptismal interview. Unfortunately, she does not know when she will be free, so we are going to be patient, but persistent in meeting with her. She really is so great. I hope she will be baptized. 

We also met with the taxi driver's wife and read from the Book of Mormon with her. She had a read a bit on her own and had come to the baptism that the elders had last week. Hopefully, we can still work with her. We are still open and inviting to the father, but we feel that he isn't as open yet.

We also met with the 12 year old girl and her grandmother this week. Both of them had been out of town for a few days in a village. We called them to follow up with them everyday, and when we finally met with them. Both of them were discouraged. They told us that they want to wait to be baptized until the grandmother's health is better and when they don't have any family opposition. We read from the Book of Mormon with them a bit, but they expressed no desire to act right now or in the immediate future (by reading, praying or coming to church). It's very sad, but we felt like it was time to give them back to the Lord for a little bit. We will continue to call and check on them however. 

Our investigators in Alaverdi seem to be doing very well. The mother and children who are closest to baptism just need to keep reading from the Book of Mormon. The mother also needs an interview with you. We have hopes that they will be baptized this Sunday. 

The other investigator closest to baptism also needs to keep reading and she needs to get a zogs (marriage license) with her husband. Hopefully this week we will be going with them to get one. 

After Pres. Bennett's meeting I've started using time in my mealtimes to read from Ensigns so I don't in personal study and I read an article this week on happiness. There was a quote in the article of Elder Scott which says "Your joy in life depends upon your trust in Heavenly Father and His holy Son, your conviction that their plan of happiness truly can bring you joy." I love that quote! The atonement is the center of everything we teach, and when we believe what we teach and we know this plan to be true, how can we not be happy? President Hinckley was also quoted saying "I am an optimist!...My plea is that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life, we 'accentuate the positive'." This is my goal this week: accentuate the positive! 

I hope you have a wonderful happy week!

Sister Morreall