Monday, February 24, 2014

# 46

Dear President,

This week was a very productive week. 

We met with our taxi driver and his family. We hadn't been able to meet with them for a few days and the meeting that we had with them this week didn't go as planned. He said that he didn't want to quit smoking, to read, to come to church or to pray. We talked to him a little bit about it, but he didn't seem very receptive to any scriptures we read or our testimonies. We honestly didn't know what to do. The elders were able to meet with them the next day and shared a lesson on having a desire to follow Christ. They showedthe picture of Christ knocking on the door with no handles, and explained that the door is like our hearts, we have to be willing to let Christ in. I think it helped a lot. They came to church on Sunday and afterwards we met with them for a follow up lesson and they prayed. The member we brought also bore an amazing testimony about the Book of Mormon and her conversion story. We also will be bringing the family to the Bishop's house tonight for Family Home Evening.

We also met with the single mother and her relatives this week. We started teaching her last week and have gotten through almost all of the lessons, and I am impressed at how much she has already read. She is almost done with 1 Nephi and can explain the doctrine back to us before we even ask questions about what she read. She also came to church with her kids (one of which was sick) and stayed for all three hours! Afterwards, we brouht the elders to her house to give one of her relatives a blessing of health, and she later asked for a blessing of comfort as well. She told us that she has no problems with  the Word of Wisdom, and she has a baptismal date in March, so hopefully she will reach her date!

We also met with our little 12 year old girl and her grandmother this week. They both came to church and the 12 year old has been coming to the daily activities at the church and has made great friends with the Young Women. The grandmother also knew some of the members before, so she has quite a few friends in the church. They both have bapsitmal dates for March and actually asked if they could be baptized sooner! My only concerns for their date is that the grandmother drinks coffee (but we of course, are working with her on that) and that she may not be able to climb the latter into the font. May we be able to use the Gyumri font?

(We are also teaching another elderly lady who is progressing and may need to use the Gyumri font to be baptized.)

We also went to Alaverdi this week and met with the family there. They are continuing to read and pray, but are still having some difficulty with the Word of Wisdom. So we are going to move their date the next time we visit.

While in Alaverdi, we also met with a 10 year old boy and his sister (whose grandma is a member). We are sharing them with the eders. They have been taught about the Restoration and a tripod and they both really want to be baptized. So the next time a companionship is up there, they will extend a baptismal date.

This week in personal study, I have been studying a lot about charity. I really love Moroni 7:45 where it talks about charity "rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things" and it made me think of  part of the 13 Article of Faith "We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." That's truly what we strive for as saints! We strive to be Christlike and charitable and our efforts and lives should refelct that. As we strive to have charity towards others and seek to live Christlike lives, we will seek "virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy" things. 

I hope you have a fun time at your conference!

Sister Morreall

Monday, February 17, 2014

# 45

Dear President,

This week was great! Thank you for the opportunity to serve with a mini missionary this week. I learned a lot about the culture and I think my langauge skills improved as well. I hope she enjoyed her time here in Vanadzor. She seemed to have really good experiences here with our members and investigators. She told us that she will continue to work on her mission papers when she is back in Center. 

We had a good week with many of our investigators. We met with a family (with the father who is having a hard time quitting smoking). We spent a lot of time talking about faith and hope with them. We brought a few members who were able to testify well, and our investigators really felt the spirit. 

We also were referred to another family by that same investgiator who is having trouble smoking. We met with them this week. There is a young mother, and grandmother and three young children. The father died in a construction accident. We were able to teach them the Restoration and the tripod. When we started talking about the Book of Mormon, the grandmother said "Oh I have one. Two boys gave me one once!" I was so surprised...this is another family that has previously been in contact with missionaries! They read a little bit from the Book of Mormon before we even assigned them chapters and are keeping commitments well.

The other family we are teaching has been difficult to meet with this past week. The father went to Russia for work and the mother has been very busy with her young boys, but we are going to meet with them tonight. The father also called us from Russia this week and asked about meetinghouses he can go to in Russia. We are going to be teaching his family until May (when he returns) and thought about referring him to the missionaries in Moscow. What do you think? Also, are we allowed to keep in contact with him via telephone?

The grandmother in Alaverdi was supposed to have her baptismal interview this week, but there was a death in the family so she has been busy getting ready forthe funeral and we were unable to visit her. We are hopeful this week that she will be able to have her interview and will be ready for baptism.

We also picked up a 12 year old girl and her grandmother after church yesterday. The girl had a relative that is a member who brought her. She said she was interested and wanted to come, but didn't want to be the only one her age, so she brought her friend as well. Later, we tried contacting both, and was able to meet with the girl and her grandmother and began teaching them. We will also try and contact her friend this week too.

The Valentine's activity was a success I thought. We had many less active members, new members and investigators come to the activity. They were able to make friends with the members and enjoyed the message on love and the fun activities for all.

We also had a great District Meeting on unity this week and how we can be unified as a district this transfer and with our ward leaders. We decided we are going to focus on prayer, fasting, and communicating well with others. We are making this a "team" effort. (We're all on the Lord's team right?)

This week during studies, I studied a lot about hope. I read a great Ensign article on the subject and the author made some great comments that stuck out to me. He said "Hope is anything but wishful. It is expectation based on experience. Hope has the confidence of the one who clearly sees a bright future even when the next hours seem fog shrouded."

Thank you all that you do for me!

Sister Morreall

Dear Mom,

It sounds like everone had a good trip! Thanks for updating me on your health. You're strong, so I know that whatever side effects come from the medicine, you'll be able to handle it. I read an article this week on Hope and it referred me to Romans 5:3-5. I thought about it with your situation and all. 

And not only so, but we glory in atribulations also: knowing thatbtribulation worketh cpatience;
 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
 And ahope maketh not ashamed; because the blove of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
I love the cause and effect, that tribulation brings patience, which helps us have experience, which experience gives us hope in Christ and his atonement. I compared faith and hope a lot this week and I decided that hope is a belief that Christ atoned for us and that if we use his atonement we'll be comforted and saved. But hope is whatmotivates us to use Christ's atonement. Wishing and hoping for something better, it's what drives us to rely on Christ and his sacrifice for us. Anyway, I thought that might bring you some peace. I have hope in Christ that your health with improve :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

# 44

Dear President,

Wow, this week was awesome! It has been a very eventful week up here in Vanadzor. It was hard saying goodbye to Sister T, but so easy to welcome Sister J! I love both of them so much! I really think it will be a great learning experience for the both of us serving together again. We have already noticed how we both have improved since our time at the MTC, and we are learning a lot from each other already. We found out this morning that we will be getting a mini missionary so working in a trio with a native, will be an awesome experience! I am so excited and ready to learn from that sister as well. I think it is such a great opportunity to learn more about Armenian culture and how the gospel relates to everyone. Thank you so much for this opportunity!


This week was a great one. It was a little difficult not having water, power or gas, but we made the best of it! The first night without utilities, as I was getting ready for bed I couldn't help but think about how most Armenians live in conditions like this all of the time. I was very humbled as I thought about the things they go without, but yet how they are still just so charitable and loving. They really are so Christlike.

During our first planning session together, Sister J and I set many goals for the transfer, one of which being improving on Christlike attributes. I had been thinking about that for a while (like during the no utilities time) and I just really think that when we increase in faith, hope, charity and the many other attributes, every part of life will improve and others will be able to see the light we have within us. We also talked about becoming exactly obedient so the Lord can work through us and we can better consecrate our time to Him. The elect will be drawn to these attributes that we discussed, and we can receive that light that God gives us when we strive to be like him. And that is what we want! It really hit home with me and I felt the Spirit and received some pretty key revelation on what I need to continue doing in my life and what I need to improve on to better serve the Lord.

After reading your latest email though we will discuss service and prayer as well. We had a great zone conference on light, love and loyalty.

We made a lot of progress with our investigators this week. The father who was in an explosion and his fmily all accepted baptismal dates! Right now the only roadblock we see is Word of Wisdom. The father tends to doubt that he can quit smoking, but we are trying to focus on the positive with him and show him the things he can do to increase his faith so that he can reach his goal and be baptized with his family. We know that his faith and desire has to come from within, so we are really trying to cater our teaching to his needs. This family also introduced us to another family who asked to meet with us this week. We made contact with them via telephone and are planning to meet with them this week. We also received another contact (a family) from this family! We also will be meeting with them this week. We are so being so blessed. I am continually amazed at the people the Lord is preparing for us to teach.

We also met with the other family that had previously met with elders. Unfortunately, the father is leaving for Russia tomorrow until May. In our last lesson with him, we taught about the temple and the priesthood and how it will bless his family. We wanted to leave him with a goal of what he needs to be progressing towards. We then pushed the family's baptismal date back to May (when he returns). He actually asked that unprompted. He said "when I come back in May we can be baptized together as a family!" It made my heart so happy! We found out where he will be in Russia and printed out a map of the closest meeting house there for him. He said he would take his Book of Mormon and read while he is away as well. Until he comes back, we will continue to meet with his wife and kids to help them progress towards baptism.

We met with a lot of new members and less actives this week. We taught a lot of the new members lessons and invited many of them to the Valentine's Day activity we are having this week. The goal of this activity to is bring new members, less actives, and investigators together to show and discuss the different ways we can express our love for others, and remember the love that our Savior has for each of us. I know that the Spirit will be felt all while having a fun time.

As for personal study this week, I have been focusing my studies a lot on the New Testament and Jesus Christ's life while on this earth. He has perfect faith! He so often talks about faith and not doubting, but to just be believing and think all work out according to our faith. Isn't that a beautiful message? Who wants to go through life just doubting and feeling negative all of the time? No one! If we just believe and put our trust in God, we will be filled with "hope for a better world". We can learn to have perfect faith in an imperfect world.

Thank you for your love and for the time, prayer and fasting you put into transfers.

I love you and Sister C!
Sister Morreall

Dear Family,


This week was crazy! Sister T and I had no gas, electricity or water for a few days. A gas pipe exploded and blew up a house in the village so it kind of put all the utilities on hold. President was going to have us stay in a hotel for a few nights, but many hotels didn't have utilities too and the closest one was like an hour away. Thank goodness for the warm clothes you all had given me and the hand warmers Aunt Cheryl sent! I said goodbye to Sis T companion on Wednesday, a day early, because the Georgia Sisters (who were with me in the MTC) brought Sister J (MTC companion from St. George, UT) down to stay in Vanadzor. It was fun to see all of them again and now I am serving with Sister J again. It's crazy to see how much we've both grown since our MTC days. I've been made senior companion with her and have been showing her around the area the last couple of days. 

I just found out this morning that we are also getting a mini missionary from the Center Branch (in Yerevan) who will be with us for a while. So we will be in a trio with a mini...super exciting! The elders that came to the area are also awesome. I've served around everyone before and we're all either just hitting our year mark or have passed it, so this district is going to be awesome! I realized during this transfer, Sister J and are are going to hit our year mark together so that is fun! And pretty crazy since time is flying!

I love and miss you all!
Misa :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

# 43

Dear President, 

Thank you for your letter. I love reading your support and assurance. And you better believe that you and Sister C will be invited to my wedding one day!

This week was another great week! We picked up the rest of our investigator's family and were able to teach them about the Restoration. We spent two lessons teaching them the Restoration and watching the Joseph Smith video. THEY love Joseph Smith! The elders who met with them before left a Joseph Smith pamphlet that they kept on their hutch, so when we showed them a picture of Joseph Smith they said "Hey we recognize him!" And brought us the pamphlet from off their hutch. They had many questions and listened intently to our answers. The wife told us that she got the chills when we were talking and we explained that it was the Holy Ghost testifying to her that what we were saying is true. They accepted a baptismal date as well. We then had another lesson with them on the tripod and we read the Book of Mormon with them. (They actually asked in the lesson to read a few chapters.) They also willingly pray for us and volunteer to do so every lesson. They also came over to Elder and Sister H's apartment and learned about the Plan of Salvation and temples. We read a little bit from The Family Proclamation as well and talked about the role of families. They have a few challenges regarding reaching their date, but we are confident that they can overcome them. The husband may be leaving for Russia in a few weeks for work, but he doesn't have a definite date yet. We also learned that the husband and wife are not technically married (they receive more money from the government if they are not legally married). We have talked to them about a marriage license and they are happy and want to receive. It may take time, but we are hopeful they will receive one. (We really want to get it before the husband goes to Russia.) We plan on teaching them all the discussions before he leaves so he can continue to live the laws while he is away.

We are also working with the family whose father was burned in the explosion. They have been reading from the Book of Mormon as a family (in the regular Book of Mormon and the children's version) and are now in 1 Nephi 15. We reviewed the tripod with their family and with their friends who they invited to stay for the lesson. They are consistently praying each lesson as well. Elder and Sister H shared a lesson on agency as well. They focused on the happiness that comes from choosing the right and keeping God's commandments. We all have a purpose here on this earth and what we choose to do shapes who we are and who we become. They shared a video they found of Stephanie (an airplane crash survivor from utah who was burned and is now a popular "mommy blogger".) We watched her story and how she chooses to make everyday a happy day and to never waste a moment. I think that was very encouraging for the father with all of the challenges he goes through everyday. They are progressing nicely and he is still working on quitting smoking. They were unable to make it to church this week because his sister went to the hospital in Yerevan, but they are going to come next week. 

We also went to Alaverdi this week and met with the grandmother there. We reviewed the gospel of Jesus Christ and talked about baptism. She really wants to be baptized in a few weeks. In regards to your question, I believe that the grandmother and the family there are still worth visiting. At the moment it is hard, because the mother and father are in different areas of the country (the mother is in Gyumri for medical treatment for their daughter and the father is in Kharapa - the contested area - working). We call them to check on them and they tell us that they are praying. When we visit the grandmother she prays as well and has been reading. They all say that they really want to be baptized, but they won't be back in Alaverdi together until March when we can teach them as a family, so we haven't set a date yet for the mother and father because we do not know when they will be back in March. 

We have also been meeting a lot with our Bishop and ward leaders this week and have been focusing on less actives and new members this week. We visited a few this week and retaught the new member lessons and shared our thoughts on hope.

Sister T and I have really loved serving together this transfer. I don't know what transfers has in store for me, but I want to thank you for the opportunity I've had to be here in Vanadzor with my companion and the missionaries here. I love them all.

This week I've been really grateful to study from the Ensigns and Liahonas. How awesome is it reading talks and addresses from past and current prophets and General Authorites who receive revelation from God. I read an awesome poem this week by Gordon B. Hinckley entitled "Put Your Trust in God". He writes "It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry."  I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. Put your trust in God and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him. if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers." I love how he says that he has to tell himself that every morning. Often, I think we need little reminders that everything is going to work long as we try out best. I think my favorite part of the poem is that he tells us to "move forward in faith and confidence in the worthy of His blessings." As we are faithful, hopeful and obedient, we have the opportunity and the right to recieve blessings. Because the Lord is always bound when we do what He says. I realized this week that I probably won't see any of my investigators be baptized this transfer, but I know that as I continue to have faith, hope and work hard, they will reach baptism. 

Thanks for all of your encouragement and happiness! It means a lot to me! 

I love you and Sister C and hope you have a great week!

Sister Morreall

Dear Family,

I happy to hear you are all doing well. I hope you had a great week and enjoyed the Super Bowl! I am especially glad mom is feeling well. Let me know about your recent MRI. Trev, you should hear from BYU  soon right? Let me know! I hope you all have fun at the Outer Banks and in NC and Virginia! So you'll take me to OB when I get home right? ;) 

Please tell Kearsten Cook congrats for me and I'm super happy for her baptism! It sounds like you all have been super good to the missionaries (trust me, they appreciate the dinners and member presents.) Keep it up!

Love and miss you all!

Misa :)

Random things:
My companion has dimples and so people tell her all the time that her mom stole an egg when she was pregnant with her and that's why she has dimples. 

I ate khorovats this week (kababs) and the lady pulled out a chicken and cut it right there and then roasted it! I was like what the...

Our power and water have been going out a lot this week so we had some candle lit dinners (mostly just cereal or soup)'s funny we'll be eating and the power goes out and we're like dang it "Dang it we have to shower in the dark tonight" and then the water shuts off so that's not even a problem any more.