Monday, August 25, 2014

# 72

Dear President, 

This week I've truly been able to see the blessings that Heavenly Father has in store for me, this mission and Armenia. It has been incredible to see.

We had four baptisms this week (the family of 3 women and a long time investigator). All of the baptisms went very well...we missed you and Ssiter C. Please tell Sister C thank you for the little cameo and magnet for our little family, they loved it! The little girl wouldn't stop playing with it after the baptism. It was very sweet. All four were confirmed at church and gave very nice testimonies. I feel like the testimonies of my investigators from when I first started teaching them until now are a reflection of my testimony of the Savior at the beginning of my mission until now. It has grown. I feel like I have more meaning and power behind the words I say now. I hope this doesn't sound weird, but I think I bear my testimony better in Armenian now than I do in English...

Anyway, one of the women (the one who is pregnant) was very sick on her baptisal date and when she got confirmed (they took her to the hospital afterwards), but I was so impressed that she wanted to be baptized and confirmed so bad that she came despite everything!

This week we've worked a lot with the Stake regarding sending short term missionaries out. We have I think 6 going out this week with sisters, just for about 5 days. They will be sent to Center, Hrazdan, Gyumri, Malatia, Vanadzor and Charenstavan. The Charenstavan sisters weren't so excited when we told them the news, but I think that having an Armenian with them will help them a lot with their member work and also in speaking Armenian with each other on the streets. 

We had an exchange with Artashat sisters this week. On my end, it seemed like things were going well with the companionship. I talked to Sister T about planning and making sure that she has goals and specific things she wants to accomplish for the day. Of course it is always important to follow the Spirit, but the Spirit loves a schedule! We also talked about helping Sister L to formulate a language study plan. I found out after the exchange that she does have a language plan and that they could tighten up on a few areas regarding obedience. (Sister B said Sister L was pretty open with her about some things.) So we will be following up withthe sisters regarding planning, nightly prayer, OYMing, and a language study plan. Sister T said she was open with you about what happened when they went to Vernasage a few weeks ago, but I talked to her about making sure she is obedient to the white handbook and they it doesn't interfere with her missionary work again. Overall, it was a good exchange and she was very happy (like always)!

We're planning on heading to Gerogia this week to go on exchanges with Sisters P and C to discuss planning and see how they are doing. We are also hoping to meet with Sisters B and S for a little bit before heading back down Thursday night. If there is anything we can do to help them, please let us know.

This week in studies I studied a lot from Alma 4 and 5. I just love how Alma says that the only way to point the people back to Christ is by "bearing down in pure testimony". He then talks about having authority and power from Goid and then poceeds to just testify and the whole city is changed! Peoples hearts are opened and changed. I know that I need to work on strengthing my testimony by sharing it more frequently (notjust with investigators, but with members and missionaries alike). I'm making it a goal this week to work on that and I will let you know any experiences I have next week.

Thank you so much for all that you do! I love you and Sister C so much!

Sister Morreall

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