Thursday, April 18, 2013

# 4

Barev dzez untaneekuh! (Hello family!)

Inchbes ek? (How are you?) Thank you so so much for the package mom! I loved it! No worries about not including the camera cord. If you have the chance to send it later that would be awesome, but I know it's a hassle to put together and send packages so that's okay if you can't. I also don't really need anything else (but I would love letters from my siblings ;)). Also, I want to express my thanks to everyone who wrote to Elder Webb! You made his whole week. Every time he went to get the mail for our district, he would come back and tell me "Another one of your friends wrote me!" He was so excited to get mail and I want to just say again how grateful I am for all of you that wrote him!

This week, like always, was very busy. Thursday, I went to the temple again with my zone. We all went together and it was an awesome bonding experience. :Later that night, we had TRC, which is where they have people come from outside of the MTC who speak Armenian and we share a message or teach a lesson to them. Kuyr Jack and I were really nervous, but everyone was so friendly and told us that we were doing a great job. They thought we were week four's, even though we had only been in the MTC for two weeks. One of the sisters who came in also told me that I would fit in very well in Armenia because of my dark hair and eyes. Hopefully, that will be an advantage. Also on Thursday I had an interview with Brother White. He just wanted to see how I was doing and talk about my time here at the MTC so far. We had a great discussion and we talked about my strengths and ways I can improve. He told me I am very good at speaking and putting together sentences. I am also good at vocalizing my thoughts on what my companion and I should do. I need to try and work on letting her kind of take the lead at times (she's sometimes shy about what she wants to do) and also listening well so I can understand more of what is being said in Armenian. Overall, it was a great interview. I love talking with Brother White. He is very down to earth.

Friday, Sister Crawford taught and we had a lesson on hope. We had the chance to personally study hope and I chose to read Moroni. I figure since he was the last Nephite he needed to have a lot of hope and faith. I love Moroni 10:20 which closely links faith, hope and charity. 

Saturday, we swtiched from 10M to 18M because of some construction going on at the MTC. Kuyr Jack and I moved everything Armenian over to the new building...and guess whose class is exactly across from the new one I moved to? Sister Jensen (Liz)! We see each other everyday now that I have moved buildings. It is awesome!

Sunday was my first "normal" Sunday here at the MTC since the last two were Easter and Conference. Everyone in my zone prepared talks on baptism just in case we were called to give talks, but luckily I wasn't chosen this week. Relief Society was also very awesome. We had a guest speaker, Sister Mary Edmunds. She talked about life as a missionary, especially with so many new sisters now. She said a very funny quote that was the talk of the day at the MTC. She said "Sisters, don't touch the elders, but remember the ones you want to touch when you get home." Hahaha. She had me dying. Later, we had a devotional by Greg Droubay. He works for the Church's Media Department. He talked a lot about the campaigns the church has in NYC and London to spread the word about Mormons and clear up any misconceptions that people have because of the Book of Mormon musical. He showed pictures of Times Square and the billboards/taxi signs/buses with the ads. He showed pictures of London too. My favorite was one that showed a bus with an ad for the Book of Mormon musical that said "The Mormons are coming." Right behind it was a bus for that said "We're here. Visit to learn more." I encourage all of my friends who aren't Mormon to visit to learn more. I have a profile on that site, so you can look for me and see if you can find me :) Also, to my friends who are LDS, I challenge you to share one LDS talk or Mormon messases video this week on facebook, twitter or any other social media site. You really don't know who much influence you have or who it will influence!

Monday, during class I learned of some new changes taking place here at the MTC that might affect me. I can't really say what is going on until they announce it, but I will be sure to let you know if I am part of it. Monday was also when I got my package from Mom :) I was the luckiest girl in my zone!

Tuesday, was soooo busy! I have been reading the Book of Mormon in Armenian and following along in my English scriptures. I made it to 1 Nephi 5 so far. My goal I set on Tuesday was to make it to chapter 8 by the end of the week...I am slowly but surely getting there. Kuyr Jack and I did "Celestial Service" on Tuesday and ended up cleaning the drinking fountains in 1M. We were challenged for the whole hour to speak Armenian and talk about our families. We did it! It was hard because we kept running out of things to say, but we made it the whole hour which we were happy about. Later during class, we had an awesome discussion with Sister Crawford about the Restoration. We talked about how Heavenly Father prepared America to be a place of religious freedom and how about 50 years later Joseph Smith brought about the restoration. At night, we had a devotional given by...are you ready for this...Richard G. Scott! I was able to make it to the auditorium to see him speak in person. He talked about saying sincerer prayers and promised those of us who are learning different languages that we will receive help from God. He said that our learning the language will become easier when we remind God that we are here because he called us and that we need His help. He also talked a ton about all of the sisters serving now. He gave us an apostolic blessing. He blessed us that we would be able to learn our language with ease and that our choice to serve a mission will bless our relationships with our future husbands and and enrich our life. It will also help us raise our children in righteousness. When he was done, we sang a hymn and just as a sister was getting up to say the closing prayer, Elder Scott got back up and was impressed to tell us that the Lord called us to succeed and not to fail and that He will fit the task to our capabilities. I love that! After devotional, Kuyr Jack had a rough night, so we had companionship inventory and talked a lot with each other. That night while I was sleeping I woke up sick and on Wednesday I wasn't feeling any better.

On Wednesday during class, we learned about catering to our investigator's needs. After class, Brother Carlson went to lunch with us and had us SYL "Speak Your Language." Both Brother Carlson and Brother White were very understanding of me not feeling well on Wednesday. They suggested that I go back to the room and study and take a nap. I felt bad for making Kuyr Jack miss gym, so I went to gym with her and read while she worked out and then we just went back to the room to study and so I could sleep.

Today, I am still not feeling that great, but I'm better than yesterday. I hope everything is well with the family. Keep me updated! I love hearing from everyone and appreciate all of the letters I receive!

Yes seerum em dzez (I love you all)

Kuyr Morreall

**note from Mom**
If you're interested, this is the link to the Book of Moroni which Misa referred to:

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