Monday, September 15, 2014

# 74

Dear Family,

So I never thought UFOs were real, but I'm like 99% sure I saw had five lights all in a line and it was hovering in the air and then it flew back into the air! And there was a crazy sound after. I'm not crazy though...our mini missionary saw it too...only in Armenia...

Anyway, that was just a random thing from this week :) I hope you all have an awesome week! I love and miss you so much!

Misa :)

Dear President,

We had a really great week this week! We were able to meet with a lot of our investigators and picked up quite a few new ones as well. One of our new investigators lives in Ashtarak, so we're just going to be talking with the elders to see if we should switch off every week in visiting her or what would be best. She has been coming to church, the members have come to lessons with us and she has been reading and keeping the commitments that we've extended. We see real promise with her. She's been an off and on again investigator in the past, but she's been really serious about baptism every time we've met with her. Very prepared! We also met with the local market lady who sells fish (she kept wanting to feed us fish, but don't worry we didn't eat it!) She seems very prepared as well. We currently are working with two sisters and their two friends who have been in contact with the church in the past (one of their friends is a member). They all have a baptismal date set for October 4th, and we are hopeful that they will all reach it. 

We had a great exchange with the Malatia sisters this week. I went with Sister L. She seems to have broken out of her shell a lot more. She was more talkative and open than usual. We had a good talk about strengthening our relationship with Heavenly Father and recognizing the changes in ourselves. She said that she's seem how the mission has changed her and how she views her relationships with people. She said it's helped her know who she needs to become in order to have the relationships and confidence that she wants. I had a great talk with her. She has a lot of good goals too. The Malatia sisters hadn't been using the new planning guidelines, so we went over it and she wants to start following it better. We've heard that since the exchange they've been SYLing a lot more too. I invited Sister L to say the closing prayer at our meeting on Wednesday at 12:00 with the sisters (which we would love for you to come to), which will be followed by our big exchange. 

Our theme for this transfer as you know is: Be yourself, but be your best self. With a focus on being our best selves for Christ. We've asked a lot of the sisters to be involved (saying prayers, musical number and spiritual thoughts). We've asked them to prepare beforehand to share experiences they've had with following the perfect 10, planning, positivity, not gossiping and charity towards others. We feel that these things would all benefit and strengthen the sisters in this mission this transfer and after. It will help us all to be our best selves for Christ and help us lift each other.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be serving here in such a wonderful place with such wonderful people. You and Sister C are truly such role models to me. I'm grateful for your vision for the mission and for the love you have for me and the missionaries.

I love you!
Sister Morreall

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