Thursday, May 23, 2013

# 9

Dear family,

Barev dzez! This week has been another great week! I'm grateful to end my stay here at the MTC on such a good note.

Last Thursday was like the typical Prep-day...temple, laundry, TRC. Sister Jack and I did have lunch with the Redlands though (the senior couple coming to Armenia in June). We practiced speaking with them and have gotten to know them well. They are so nice! It's funny because they both served Spanish speaking missions before, so when they can't remember an Armenian word, they just replace it with a Spanish one instead haha. They are awesome! Later, Aaron and Isaac came to TRC and Sister Jack and I gave a lesson on the different ways God answers our prayers. The lesson went well and they were able to feel the Spirit. After TRC, Brother White had us practice teaching the First Lesson so that we could go over and touch up any language issues that we are having.

Friday was awesome! In the morning class, we had a great discussion with Brother Carlson about faith. Sister Jack then taught us a lesson from the Book of Mormon. Afterwards, we mostly focused on language. When Brother White taught, we went over the rest of the First Lesson and practiced more language. We are really trying to fine tune the language and make sure that we don't make silly mistakes for going too fast or not thinking about what we're saying. They key is just slowing down and really think about what we want the investigator to get out of what we are saying. We also went over the Law of Tithing, Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity. Brother White came to lunch with us. It was awesome! I love when the teachers come to lunch with us. We get to talk with them in Armenian when we eat and it is a great reminder to SYL while outside of class. At night, my district had a testimony meeting. Holy smokes...let me just say there are some powerful people in my district...they all have such strong testimonies! I learn and grow from every single person every day.

On Saturday, I hurt my thumb again in gym...but it's all right's still not 100%, but I'm getting along with it. Guess what? I also saw Jeff again! We were able to talk for a while before Sister Jack and I went to lunch. It has been great seeing him at the MTC. After lunch, we taught Hovo (Brother White) and the lesson went well. I really like teaching Hovo. He is very interested in the church and loves reading the Bible and Book of Mormon. He has good questions too. We are trying to help him realize the power of the Holy Ghost though and how he can keep the Sabbath Day holy (he works on Sundays). Later, we had a zone activity where Sister Jack and I were able to teach Brother Hall (one of the Greek teachers). It was fun switching things up for a bit and practicing teaching other teachers. Brother Carlson then came to dinner with us after the zone activity and then we planned for the rest of the week during class time. We also had a great discussion on having faith and looking towards the Savior at all times. He brought up the story of Peter walking on water and as soon as he started to doubt and look away from the Savior, he began to sink. But the Savior reached out his hand as soon as Peter asked for help. He will do that with us as well. We just need to ask. Brother Carlson asked us "Have you ever prayed for Christ to save you?" and I thought about it and I don't think I really ever have asked that specifically. I challenge the family to ask for that in your prayers this week!

Sunday was great as always! Robin Bonham of the General Relief Society Board spoke for Relief Society. Mary Edmunds spoke for the Sunday night fireside as well. She talked about choosing righteousness. I love her personality! She is so fun to listen to...for example she kept referring to Lucifer (Satan) as "whats his no face." Get it? Haha maybe it's just this MTC humor that made it seem so funny... Anyway, after the devotional I had the chance to watch a video on the life of Thomas S. Monson. I feel like it was perfect timing with Sister Monson passing away. I've never had a greater appreciation for Thomas S. Monson.

On Monday we taught Samvel for the last time. We also had a great discussion with Brother Carlson about the Holy Ghost and sanctification. Later, we taught Marina. Both our lessons went well.

Tuesday was a busy day! Brother White taught us and he shared some emails from missionaries out in the field. It was so great hearing about their experiences. I can't wait to experience all of that for myself. After, we taught Hovo and the lesson didn't go as well as we planned. We ended up going in different directions, but it's okay because Brother White discussed with us how to follow the Spirit and not get divided in a lesson. I love discussions with our teachers. I learn so much from them. For the devotional that night, Elder Marcus B. Nash of the 70 spoke to us on the atonement. One of my favorite devotionals so far! I really gained a greater testimony of Christ as my Savior.

Wednesday was by far the best day so far. Sister Jack and I were kind of stressed out about teaching Gago again. (Yes, that's right. We were only supposed to teach him once, but since we had a melt down the first time, Brother Carlson wanted us to re-do it.) We were so worried about reaching out to him and helping him feel loved. But the lesson went so well! We "made him cookies," talked to him about the atonement, prayed for him and bore testimony....Mom, I started crying during my testimony. I just wanted him to feel loved so bad! Brother Carlson told us after "I hope you learned more how to love. Love people to death." After the lesson, we talked about how it went with Brother Carlson and he said that he thought we did really well! Sister Crawford taught us later and she said that Brother Carlson wrote in the blog that our lesson was "incredible". We also taught Marina and Sister Crawford said that it was the best Chastity lesson we've given so far. Sister Crawford also said something I loved..."Lessons learned are never time wasted." So true!

So tomorrow is in-field orientation...that will be interesting. I am excited to learn more! Also, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has sent packages and letters to me! I appreciate all of your support!

So how is the family? I miss you all so much!

Fun Armenian facts: They blink both eyes when they want to say hello...Brother Carlson told us that they blink at you on the stand when you give talks haha.

If you sneeze, they say "It must be true."...So hopefully I will be teaching about the restoration or something when I sneeze...then they will have to believe it! haha

Anyway, I have to go but I love you!!

**Note from Mom**

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