Thursday, May 16, 2013

# 8

Dear Family,

How are you all doing this week? Thanks for all of your letters this week! Mom, I am glad to hear that you had a good Mother's Day!

Last Thursday, Sister Jack and I were very busy for Prep day. She (along with Sister Bates and Sister Cloward) auditioned for a musical number for the Nallys (MTC Presidency). We went to the temple afterwards. Later in the day, we had TRC and the Redlands (a senior couple going to Armenia in June) came. They are so friendly and have picked up the language pretty quickly! Every now and then they come to the MTC for lunch so that Sister Jack and I can practice speaking with them.

On Friday, in class we discussed the difference between discouragement and disappointment with Brother Carlson. It's important not to ever be discouraged because progression and work stops. Sometimes disappointment comes when things don't go as expected, but never let that cause you to become discouraged! With Brother White, we discussed the difference between Christ's path and Satan's path and the result of us choosing Christ's path (aka coming to Earth). We had an excellent discussion!

 Saturday was busy in that we taught Hovo (Brother White) and Marina (Sister Crawford). The lessons went well and Sister Jack and I are continually evaluating what we did well in the lessons and what we need to improve on. Saturday was also our zone activity. We were split up from our companion and grouped with different members of our zone and we practiced teaching with boldness.

Sunday was great! Sister Jack and I trained the new missionaries in the morning and I also ran into my friend from BYU, Ben Black. Janice Kapp Perry (song writer) spoke for Relief Society. She has written many of my favorite songs including "Army of Helaman", "Sisters in Zion", "A Child's Prayer", "I Belong To The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", "I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus", "Love is Spoken Here", and "I Love To See the Temple". She wrote a new song called "The Sisters of Zion" (to the tune of "As Sisters in Zion") just for all of the new sister missionaries. It will be coming out on CD shortly. But she let us sing it for the first time ever and it was so awesome!!! One of the lines in the song which I loved is "We go forth enlisted with Helaman's Army"...yeah, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. After Relief Society, I was able to meet Sister Perry which was neat. Sunday night there was a fireside with Shane Littlefield and his wife, Amy. They spoke on obedience and used examples from the Stripling Warriors in Alma who obeyed with exactness and "did not doubt for their mothers knew it." They listened to their moms! What a great fireside for Mother's Day! We were able to sit with Elder Calderwood for the fireside and I was able to say goodbye to Elder Gosper as well (who is in Arizona now). After, Sister Jack and I were able to watch "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration"...reminded me of New York since they play it at the Palmyra Visitors' Center sometimes.

 Monday, was very long. We started off the day planning our lesson for Marina, but we weren't feeling like we should teach her anything specific. Brother Carlson changed all of our plans and we didn't even practice Armenian or do anything else for the class period...we just planned for Marina. It was a good lesson for us....we learned how to receive revelation and guidance from the Spirit and our lesson with Marina later turned out well! She asked us many questions and for one question I wasn't completely sure what she was saying but I just answered it to the best of my ability and it turns out that was exactly what she wanted/needed to hear!

Tuesday, we taught Hovo the Word of Wisdom lesson. He had a lot of questions and we were able to answer them fairly well with scriptures from the Book of Mormon and Bible.  Hovo is an investigator who loves reading the Bible, so we spend more time discussing the Bible and Book of Mormon and how they support each other with him. We try to use scriptures from both as we teach. And it was the first time we had taught the Word of Wisdom ever so it went pretty well! Later Tuesday night, I sang in the choir...we sang "Come Thou Fount" which is becoming a favorite hymn of mine. Guess who also spoke at the devotional? Russell M. Nelson (Quorum of the Twelve Apostles) and his wife, Wendy. They spoke about families and, in particular, ancestors. They talked about genealogy and how it is important to know our family history. Mom could you send me some stories of our ancestors if you can? I know a few about my grandpas and great-grandmas, but not a ton. One thing the Nelsons also said that struck me was they told the missionaries to pray for our ancestors and to pray for help and for attributes from specific ancestors. Heavenly Father will send them to help us and they along with our investigator's ancestors will help us teach investigators. Cool huh? Angels are always around to help us.

Yesterday, Sister Jack and I taught Hovik, a "mini" investigator (we only get to teach him once). The lesson went well, but he was very distracted and at the end we didn't end up asking him to be baptized, which was unfortunate. We are going to work on teaching and removing distractions from the lessons. After the lesson, we practiced street contacting and I had an interview with Brother Carlson and we reviewed my progress since being at the MTC. Later, Sister Crawford read 4th Nephi with us and we discussed unity. We also taught Marina and the lesson went well. We are coming along with our investigators and they are continuing to progress well! Yesterday, we also got 14 new missionaries in our zone, 12 elders, 2 sisters. Our zone now has 51 missionaries covering Armenia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Greece, Indonesia and Madagascar. It's awesome! Yesterday, Sister Jack and I also ran into an Armenian was his first day here at the MTC and so we talked with him for a bit and practiced our Armenian on him. Guess where he is going on his mission? New York! We are just trading places haha. During volleyball I also jammed my finger and couldn't move it. I thought I might have "jersey finger" like dad did, but I am able to move it more today, so we'll see.

Today, I saw Brennon Nelson, a friend from EFY going to Mexico. I love seeing people I's great that so many missionaries are here now! Sister Jack and I also went to the temple and I got my haircut since I will be leaving in less than two weeks! I don't have my travel plans yet, but I will email you when I do. Also, I will call Mom's cell phone when I'm in the airport.

Anyway, I love and miss you all! How was Spring Break? When does school get out for you, Trev and Asia? Any plans for the summer? How is mutual? What are you learning in Young Men and Young Women? I sure love and miss you all!

Kuyr Morreall

** Note from Mom**

Misa got her itinerary!  She leaves Monday the 27th, stops at Dulles in Washington, D.C., then flies to Austria before arriving in Armenia!  

Army of Helaman/stripling warriors:

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