Monday, October 6, 2014

# 77

                                                    Misa on Mt. Aragats

Dear President, 

I am so grateful for Heavenly Father. He sends so many tender mercies to me. I just feel like this whole transfer for me has been such a tender mercy. I've never seen so much "success" with investigators. I've never felt so loved by a companion. I've never felt so much love for the Armenian people. This past week was incredible. 

Thank you so much for attending the baptism of the three ladies we we've been teaching. We were surprised and grateful for all of the participation from the ward as well. Those women are strong. I have no doubt that they are going to be a great strength to the Ajapnyak Ward. Their confirmation on Sunday was so special. I'm getting emotional just typing about it. I don't think I've ever felt the Spirit so strong during any other confirmation.

One of our investigators who came to the baptism has been meeting with us very frequently. She's read quite a bit from the Book of Mormon and enjoys coming to church on her own and sitting with the members. She and her granddaughter (who is only seven) have made quite a few friends in the ward. They also attend the English class held by our Bishop's daughter. They love her! Our investigator has started quitting coffee this week. We're confident that she'll be able to make her baptismal date for the 25th. Her little granddaughter is so cute...she always asks if we can come over the next day, and the next day...

We are also meeting with a member's grand daughter (she's 12). She recently moved here from Russia because her father died. She comes to church every week and enjoys reading the Book of Mormon in Russian. She also prays very well from what I understand of Russian (which is little, but her grandmother translates after, and she seems to have it down!) We watched the Joseph Smith video with her this week, which she really connected with since he was about her age when he prayed. She said the closing prayer and at the end she asked her grandma if Heavenly Father could bring back her daddy. It was so tender. Sister B and I are excited to teach her more about the Plan of Salvation this week. She also has a baptismal date for the 25th, which it looks like she will reach. 

Our investigator in Ashtarak has been at her grandchild's house these past few days, so we haven't been able to meet with her. We're going to wait until we meet with her to see where she is at in regards to being close to baptism.

Sister B has been such a rock for me this transfer. Her and the Spirit have kept me going. When my body has felt tired or when I've felt like I don't know what to do with an investigator, the Spirit through Sister B has just knocked me to my senses and helped carry me on. I love Sister B so much!

I'm grateful for the opportunity we had last night to meet with you, Sister C and the assistants about transfers. It is going to be a big change, but I hope I can help the sisters as best as I can until then. Is there anyone in particular you feel like I could  help this week? Sister B and I are also planning on going on exchanges with Center. I will be with Sister K. 

I love you and Sister C so much and I will forever be grateful for the example that you both have been and continue to be for me. I know I haven't been a perfect missionary or leader, but I'm just grateful for the many learning experiences I've had and the opportunities to learn from you both. It's made an impact on me. I love you both so much!

Sister Morreall

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